Azure Hybrid Benefit 包括哪些項目? 如果客戶擁有具備有效軟體保證或合格訂用帳戶授權之適用方案授權的 Windows Server,則該客戶可以使用 l Azure Hybrid Benefit 進一步降低在雲端、資料中心和邊緣位置的成本。 Azure Hybrid Benefit 包括下列節省成本: Azure 上的 Windows Server VM:Azure Hybrid Benefit 涵蓋 Windows ...
There are three ways to use the Azure Hybrid Use Benefit I.Customers can deploy Windows Server virtual machines pre-configured with the Azure Hybrid Use Benefit in three easy steps 1.Go to Azure Marketplace.2.Select Get it now.3.Deploy your workload in the Azure Portal.II.You can also ...
您可以使用適用於Linux的 Azure Hybrid Benefit,輕鬆地切換 Linux 虛擬機的軟體訂用帳戶模型(VM)。 變更您的訂用帳戶模型,而不需重新部署您的 VM,而且沒有停機的風險。 您可以獲得彈性和節省成本。 您可以使用 Azure Hybrid Benefit,在 Azure 上的兩個訂用帳戶模型之間順暢地切換: ...
Azure Hybrid Benefit 是一項授權供應專案,可協助您遷移並儲存至 Azure。 如果您要支付具有軟體保證的 Windows Server 或 SQL Server 核心授權或這些產品的訂用帳戶,您可以套用此權益。 如果您有作用中的 Linux 訂用帳戶,包括在 Azure 中執行的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 或 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server,您也可以...
Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows Server Move to cloud and save big using your Windows Server licences Now you can move your existing Windows Server licences to Azure when you extend your datacentre to the cloud. With the Azure Hybrid Benefit, you can use on-premises Windows Server licences ...
Describes that the Windows Server images that are pre-configured with Hybrid Use Benefit for EA subscriptions will be removed from the Azure Marketplace by August 31, 2017.
Save on Azure. Use the hybrid benefit cost calculator to estimate your savings. Use existing on-premises Linux, Windows Server, and SQL Server licenses on the cloud at no additional cost.
Save on Azure. Use the hybrid benefit cost calculator to estimate your savings. Use existing on-premises Linux, Windows Server, and SQL Server licenses on the cloud at no additional cost.
I am bringing together various offers and benefits for Azure, all in one place, that I thought would be useful for the community. This is what will be...
(for example, closing periods or increased holiday shopping). For short-lived workload spikes, pay-as-you-go charges for the extra capacity might cost less than acquiring more licenses to use Azure Hybrid Benefit for the capacity. Managing the benefit at ...