Create the service health payload you want to send. You can find an example service health webhook payload atWebhooks for Azure activity log alerts. Create an HTTP POST request as follows: Копирај POST https://<yourInstanceName><secret> HEADERS Content-...
Learn how to use the Azure portal to set up Service health alerts for service health notifications by using the Azure portal.
Azure Service Health helps you stay informed and take action, with alerts for outages and a personalized dashboard for service issues.
アラートをセットアップして、正常性に関する問題について通知を受け取ります。 詳細については、「Best practices for setting up Azure Service Health Alerts」(Azure Service Health アラートの設定に関するベスト プラクティス) を参照してください。
In this example, we're only notifying on events where the current and previous health status doesn't have Unknown. This change may be a useful addition if your alerts are sent directly to your mobile phone or email.It's possible for the currentHealthStatus and previousHealthStatus properties ...
We launched the preview of Azure Service Health in July 2017. We have been evolving the service based on your feedback – including the integration of Service Health alerts. If you haven’t already,set up your Service Health alerts.
Microsoft.HealthModelhealthmodels N/A Microsoft. HybridContainerServiceprovisionedClusters N/A microsoft.hybridnetworknetworkfunctions virtualnetworkfunctions N/A Microsoft.IoTCentralIoTApps N/A microsoft. kubernetesconfigurationextensions N/A Microsoft.Mapsaccounts ...
Azure DDoS Protection provides always-on traffic monitoring to automatically mitigate an attack when detected, adaptive real time tuning that compares your actual traffic against predefined thresholds, and full visibility on DDoS attacks with real-time telemetry, monitoring, and alerts. Customers using ...
The detailed status message, including for alerts and error messages. time string The time of the status. InstanceViewTypes The expand expression to apply on the operation. 'InstanceView' retrieves a snapshot of the runtime properties of the virtual machine that is managed by the platform and...
Every build weekend 100+ team members get 200 errors for all the Azure Monitors but no one wants to manually disable / re-enable them. Any suggestions...