按范围和名称获取角色分配。 请求路径/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/{roleAssignmentName}操作IdRoleAssignments_Get
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write 权限,例如用户访问管理员或所有者。若要创建新的负载测试资源,Azure 帐户必须具有:在资源组中为负载测试资源创建资源的权限(例如参与者或所有者角色)。Azure 负载测试中的角色在Azure 负载测试中,访问权限是通过将相应的 Azure 角色分配给负载测试资源域的用户、组和应用...
Get-AzRoleAssignment 列出了指定范围内的 Azure 角色分配。 在没有任何参数的情况下,此 cmdlet 返回在订阅下进行的所有角色分配。 使用 ExpandPrincipalGroups 参数可列出针对指定用户和该用户所在组的访问权限分配。示例: 使用以下 cmdlet 列出自动化帐户中的所有用户及其角色。
在Azure RBAC 中,若要列出访问权限,请列出角色分配。 若要列出角色分配,可以使用其中一个角色分配 Get 或 List REST API。 若要优化结果,请指定一个范围和可选的筛选器。从下面的请求开始: HTTP 复制 GET https://management.azure.com/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=...
Run: Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment -Scope $scope -SignInName $roleAssignments[1].SignInName Then you get the error: Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:1 char:1 Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment -Scope $scope -SignInName $roleAssignments[ ... ...
The command Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId does not return the Role Assignments of the subscription that was defined on scope. It only provides the Role assignments that are available for the subscriptio...
As an administrator or organization owner, delegating administrative tasks to team members who oversee specific areas is a strategic approach. The primary built-in roles equipped with predefined permissions and role assignments include: Readers:Have read-only access to the project. ...
Assigning the Directory Readers role to the server identity isn't required for SQL Database or Azure Synapse when setting up an Azure AD admin for the logical server. However, to enable an Azure AD object creation in SQL Database or Azure Synapse on behalf of ...
DirectoryRole 实体 表示Azure AD 目录角色。 Azure AD 目录角色也被称为管理员角色。 有关目录(管理员)角色的详细信息,请参阅在Azure AD 中分配管理员角色。使用Graph API 可以将用户和服务主体分配到目录角色,以授予他们目标角色的权限。 你可以读取目录角色对象并更新目录角色的 members 导航属性,但无法删除目录...
Also, while you can change the permission assignments for a member of this group, their effective permissions will still conform to those assigned to the administrator group for which they are a member. Permission (UI) Namespace permission Description General Delete team project Project, DELETE Can...