NetAppVolumeResource.GetGetGroupIdListForLdapUserAsync 方法 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp v1.4.2 返回特定 LDAP 用户的组 ID 列表 请求路径/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups...
开始使用 Azure 全球基础结构 数据中心区域 信任云 Azure Essentials 客户案例 产品和定价 产品 Azure 定价 免费Azure 服务 灵活的购买选项 Azure 上的 FinOps 优化成本 解决方案和支持 解决方案 用于加速增长的资源 解决方案体系结构 支援 Azure 演示和实时问答 合作伙伴 Azure 市场 寻找合作伙伴 加...
["app1", "app2"] destination_resource_group = resource_client.resource_groups.get(destination_name) resources = [ resource for resource in resource_client.resources.list_by_resource_group(source_name) if in resources_to_move ] resource_ids = [ for resource in ...
不過,Resource Manager Cmdlet Get-AzVM 只會傳回透過 Resource Manager 部署的虛擬機器。 下列命令不會傳回透過傳統部署所建立的虛擬機器。PowerShell 複製 Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName ExampleGroup 只有透過資源管理員建立的資源支援標記。 您無法將標籤套用到傳統資源。
=nil{ log.Fatalf("Listing of resource groups failed: %+v", err) } log.Printf("Your Azure subscription has a total of %d resource groups",len(rgList))// Call your function to delete the resource group you created.iferr := deleteResourceGroup(subscriptionId, cred); err !=nil{ log....
用于虚拟网络的 Azure VPN 网关的公用 IPv4 地址。 使用Get-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $vnetGatewayIpConfigName -ResourceGroupName $rgName命令显示此地址。 站点间 VPN 连接的 IPsec 预共享密钥(表 V - 项 5 - 值列) 下面是生成的配置。 阶段3(可选):添加虚拟机 ...
PUT{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vm-name}?api-version=2024-07-01 { "location": "westus", "properties": { "hardwareProfile": { "vmSize": "Standard_D1_v2" }, "storageProfile": { "os... - list RDS instances with select fields - Name, Status, Engine, AZ, Instance Type, Storage - adds a security group to an RDS DB instance to open its native database SQL port to your public IP address - quickly...
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to the Rescue ARM allows you to create resources as a group. This lets you easily create all your resources and handle transient faults, so if your script fails to create a resource, you can try again. Additionally, cleanup is easy. You simply delete your reso...
Azure Monitor action groups enable you to define a list of actions to execute when an alert is triggered. In this episode, we demonstrate how to configure a Service Health alert to use an action group. How to test Azure Functions | Azure Tips & Tricks In this edition of Azure Tips and ...