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5、在记事本中打开 .csproj 文件,并向其添加以下部分: <Target Name="CopyRequiredNativeAssets" AfterTargets="_FunctionsPostPublish"> <ItemGroup> <NativeAssetToCopy Include="$(PublishDir)runtimes\win-x86\native\libSkiaSharp.dll" /> </ItemGroup> <Copy SourceFiles="@(NativeAssetToCopy)" Dest...
/images/logo.png使用自定義快取規則提供映像,其中最大存留期為182天(15,770,000秒)。 /api/adminGET來自已註冊使用者角色中已驗證使用者的要求會傳送至 API。 未在已註冊使用者角色和未經驗證的使用者中,已驗證的使用者會提供401錯誤。 POST、PUT、PATCH和DELETE來自系統管理員角色中已驗證使用者的要求會傳送至...
/images/logo.png 使用自定义缓存规则提供图像,该规则中的最大期限略微超过 182天(15,770,000 秒)。 /api/admin 将充当 registeredusers 角色的经过身份验证的用户发来的 GET 请求发送到 API。 为不充当 registeredusers 角色的经过身份验证的用户以及未经过身份验证的用户提供 401 错误。将充当 administrator 角色...
Azure Functions support for HTTP streams in Node.js is now in preview. With this feature, customers can now stream HTTP requests to and responses from their Functions Apps. Being one of the most requested features for Azure Functions, we’re confident that this rel...
Deploy an Azure Functions from Azure DevOps, when Shared Access Key is disabled Hello everyone, we are currently trying to switch from accessing storage accounts via Keys to Managed Identities. The Azure Function itself can connect and runs properly....
AppConfig:AutopilotManagerConfig:AzureFunctionsUrlset to your Azure Function URL (e.g. A validation function (function name: 'validate') to be called for extended validation of the import request. Validation result will allow or block import ...
("")) ))); ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions =newChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages); ChatCompletions chatCompletions = client.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}", chat...
sys: This module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and functions that interact with the interpreter. openai: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in Python. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for...