import logging def main(req):'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.') 有更多日志记录方法可用于在不同跟踪级别向控制台进行写入:展开表 方法说明 critical(_message_) 在根记录器中写入具有 CRITICAL 级别的消息。 error(_message_) 在根记录器中写入具有 ERROR 级别的消息。 warn...
Encountered a System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException exception after 562.442ms with message: Received an invalid status line: 'HTTP/1.1 1 '.. Check application logs to verify the application is properly handling HTTP traffic. 问题解决 在Azure Function的Test/Run页面,根据在代码中添加的日志标签,可以准确...
Encountered a System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException exception after 562.442ms with message: Received an invalid status line: 'HTTP/1.1 1 '.. Check application logs to verify the application is properly handling HTTP traffic. | 问题解决 在Azure Function的Test/Run页面,根据在代码中添加的日志标签,可以...
; var response = client.PostAsync(new Uri(callbackUrl), requestContent).Result; var responseContent = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; log.LogInformation(response.StatusCode.ToString()); log.LogInformation(responseContent); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(ex.Message); } } ...
"Terminate": { "type": "Terminate", "inputs": { "runStatus": "<status>", "runError": { "code": "<error-code-or-name>", "message": "<error-message>" } }, "runAfter": {} } 必需 展开表 Value类型说明 <status> String 运行返回的状态:“失败”、“已取消”或者“已成功” 可...
'{ "UserStoryId": "id1","UserStoryTitle": "title1","UserStoryState": "state1", "User...
process:python "C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\workers\python\" --host --port 64767 --workerId 9a96f590-8c24-44c1-839a-df3f53b22380 --requestId 26f06b08-732b-4dc1-bf9f-0c2122a864fc --grpcMaxMessageLength ...
assertErrorMessages assertErrorMessages() => map 为将断言 ID 作为键的行返回所有错误消息的映射。 示例 assertErrorMessages() => ['assert1': 'This row failed on assert1.', 'assert2': 'This row failed on assert2.']. In this example, at(assertErrorMessages(), 'assert1') would return '...
Microsoft // recommends that this function uses async tasks, although it is not strictly // necessary let Run(req: HttpRequestMessage, name: string, age: int, log: TraceWriter) = async { try return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, { Greeting = sprintf "Hello %s, aged %d!" ...
// In same file, just below module.exports or somewhere else - just a helper function function handleError(log, errorMessage, exception) { log.error(errorMessage); errors.push(errorMessage); if (exception) { log.error(JSON.stringify(exception)); errors.push(exception); } return errors; }...