Python Copy import azure.functions as func app = func.FunctionApp() @app.function_name(name="HttpTrigger1") @app.route(route="req") def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> str: user = req.params.get("user") return f"Hello, {user}!" To learn about known limitations with the v2 mod...
有许多有用的 Python 官方文档讨论使用内置“asyncio”库的协同例程和任务和事件循环。 以下面的请求库为例,此代码片段使用“asyncio”库将requests.get()方法打包到协同例程中,从而同时运行多个去往SAMPLE_UR 的 web 请求。 Python复制 importasyncioimportjsonimportloggingimportazure.functionsasfuncfromtimeimporttimefr...
Code Sample 06/01/2020 This sample shows how to set up, write and deploy a Python Machine Learning inference Azure Function app which uses Remote Build and Bring your own Storage features. It uses the pre-trained PyTorch image recognition models from here. ...
Create a new Azure Function App in VS Code To create an Azure Function app in VSCode, please go through theMicrosoft Docs tutorial on creating your first Azure Function using Visual Studio Code. In the code snippet along with the sample, we name the two python module 'FlaskApp...
sample python azure azure-active-directory Python Azure Function Web API secured by Azure AD Python Azure Function Web API secured by Azure AD. ms-identity-python-webapi-azurefunctions Python Azure Function Web API secured by Azure AD This code example demonstrates how to secure an Azure Functi...
Learn more abouthow to expose your Function Apps with API Managementin our documentation. Sharing is caring We have also included a set of improvements to the Azure Serverless Community Library, including an updated look, a streamlined sample submission process, and more detailed information ab...
- task:InstallSSHKey@0inputs:# Using knownHostsEntry aliasknownHostsEntry:'sample known hosts entry line'# Remainder of task inputs omitted- task:InstallSSHKey@0inputs:# Using hostName namehostName:'sample known hosts entry line'# Remainder of task inputs omitted ...
HTTP Java Python Go JavaScript dotnet HTTP Copy GET{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVM?$expand=userData&api-version=2024-07-01 Sample response Status code: 200 JSON Copy { "name": "myVM...
func: function id (encrypted), and unique only within an application end_timestamp: function invocation end timestamp in millisecond duration: duration of function invocation in millisecond If you do use the Azure Functions 2021 trace in your research, please cite this SOSP'21 paper"Faster and ...
例として、次のrequestsライブラリを見てみましょう。このコード スニペットでは、asyncioライブラリを使用してrequests.get()メソッドをコルーチンにラップし、SAMPLE_URL への複数の Web 要求を同時に実行します。 Python importasyncioimportjsonimportloggingimportazure.functionsasfuncfromtimeimporttime...