[Function("EmailSend")]publicIActionResultRun([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function,"get","post")] HttpRequest req){ _logger.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");varmessage =newMicrosoft.Graph.Users.Item.SendMail.SendMailPostRequestBody { Message =newMessage ...
FunctionStartedMessage message,FunctionInstanceLogEntry instanceLogEntry,ParameterHelper parameterHelper,ILogger logger,CancellationToken cancellationToken) at C:\projects\azure-webjobs-sdk-rqm4t\src\Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host\Executors\FunctionExecutor.cs : 279...
FunctionStartedMessage message,FunctionInstanceLogEntry instanceLogEntry,ParameterHelper parameterHelper,ILogger logger,CancellationToken cancellationToken) at C:\projects\azure-webjobs-sdk-rqm4t\src\Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host\Executors\FunctionExecutor.cs :279at System.Runtime.Exception...
1)从最后一行看, 根据方法 Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.Executors.FunctionExecutor.TryExecuteAsync 可以得出,代码已经进入Function平台级别。可以初步排除是自己写的代码错误。 2)在逐行上看,发现 C:\azure-webjobs-sdk-extensions\src\WebJobs.Extensions.SendGrid\Client\SendGridClient.cs : 23 中,调用了 Client...
简介:【Azure 应用服务】Azure Function App使用SendGrid发送邮件遇见异常消息The operation was canceled,分析源码渐入最源端 问题描述 在使用Azure Function App的SendGridBinging功能,调用SendGrid服务器发送邮件功能时,遇到见间歇性,偶发性的异常。在重新运行SendGrid的Function,却又能恢复运行。
I am trying to send email using Azure function and I wrote code (as below) for it and it is working fine locally. But when I am running function on Azure Portal then error is occurring : Error : Code has some error : The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was no...
az functionapp config appsettings set \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $FUNCTION_APP"-p" \ --settings \ AzureWebJobsStorage=$AZURE_WEB_JOBS_STORAGE \ EventHubConnectionString=$EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING 現在您已建立 Azure 資源事件中樞和 Azure 函式,並將其設定為可正常搭配運作。接...
我們可以使用 SendGrid 繫結將輸出變更為電子郵件,或將事件放在 Azure 服務匯流排上,以在我們的架構中通知某個其他元件。 我們甚至可以有多個輸出繫結,以將資料推送至各種服務。提示 若要在 Azure 入口網站中檢視或編輯 function.json 的內容,請從 [首頁] 選取您的函式應用程式,然...
“PostDeployment” and clickAdd Url. Now, once any deployment completes to your staging app, it will trigger your function app, so let’s go ahead and write that to grab the status and send the email using SendGrid.You may also want to know the version which is being deployed. This ...
<method-type> String The HTTP method to use for calling the function: "GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", or "DELETE" If not specified, the default is the "POST" method. Optional Expand table ValueTypeDescription JSON Object Any headers to send with the call For example, to set ...