Create event-driven, scalable serverless applications in .NET, Node.js, Python, Java, or PowerShell with the Azure Functions app— a serverless computing service.
你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问。 Azure Functions 是一项按需提供的云服务,可提供运行应用程序所需的各项不断更新的基础结构和资源。 你可以专注于使用你认为最高效的语言编写最重要的代码,...
Select the Azure logo from the left-navigation pane. You'll see your existing Azure resources in the Resources view. Select the Azure subscription that you're using for this project and below you should see the Azure Function App. Select the Workspace (Local) section located below your listed...
Explore a MySQL database and fully managed database service for app developers. Azure is a managed service provider that can meet all your database needs.
安装好 Azure CLI 以及 Azure Function CLI 1. 打开 Visual Code,安装好 Azure Tools 插件,并登录好相关的 Azure 账号 2. 打开 Azure Tools 插件下,Azure Functions 下选择好⽂件夹,创建⼀个新的 Azure Function (我这⾥以 Python 开发环境为例) ...
Function App Service plan App Service Azure Container app Azure Spring Apps Cloud services (extended support) Cognitive search Cognitive Service Machine learning Log Analytics workspace HDInsight cluster Event Hub Data Lake Analytics Power BI Embedded Analysis Service Datafactory Pipel...
const createHandler = require("azure-function-express").createHandler; const express = require("express"); // Create express app as usual const app = express(); app.get("/api/:foo/:bar", (req, res) => { res.json({ foo :, bar : }); }); // ...
JavaScript Kopiuj const { app } = require('@azure/functions'); app.http('helloWorld1', { methods: ['POST', 'GET'], handler: async (request, context) => { context.log('Http function was triggered.'); return { body: 'Hello, world!' }; } }); D...
Helping you build better apps has been one of our key focus areas in Azure. Our latest tooling focuses on providing guidance for architecting, optimizing, and deploying apps. Whether you’re creating a new proof of concept or improving an existing app, these capabilities can boost productivity ...
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