publicoverridevoidConfigure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder){ builder.Services.AddAzureAppConfiguration(); } 打开Function1.cs,并添加以下命名空间。 C# usingSystem.Linq;usingMicrosoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureAppConfiguration; 更新构造函数以通过依赖项注入获取IConfigurationRefresherProvider的实例,可以从...
public static void Main() { var host = new HostBuilder() .ConfigureAppConfiguration(builder => { string cs = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ConnectionString"); builder.AddAzureAppConfiguration(cs); }) .ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults() .Build(); host.Run(); } Open Function1.cs, and ...
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder) { builder.Services.AddAzureAppConfiguration(); builder.Services.AddFeatureManagement(); } 開啟Function1.cs,並新增下列命名空間。 C# 複製 using System.Linq; using Microsoft.FeatureManagement; using Microsoft.Extensions.Conf...
[FunctionName("GetStorageContainers")]publicstaticasyncTask<IActionResult>Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous,"get","post", Route =null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log){varconfig =newConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) ...
newMobileAppConfiguration() .MapApiControllers() .ApplyTo(config); 次のセットアップでは、Entity Framework を使用してテーブル コントローラーと API コントローラーの両方が SQL サービスにアクセスでき、これは "正常" な使用法と見なされます。
Once your Azure Function application is deployed, now let’s navigate to the portal. If your Functions app is configured to use Java 8 then click on Configuration and add a new Application Setting with name FUNCTIONS_WORKER_JAVA_LOAD_APP_LIBS and value 1 If your Functions app is using Java...
Image Builder Impact Intelligent Recommendations Internet Analyzer IoT Operations IoT Central IoT Hub IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Load balancer Log Analytics Logic Apps Logz Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafa...
The solution is extended with Python Azure Function, SignalR and Static Website Single Page App. Get Azure Pipeline Build Status with the Azure CLI For those who prefer the command line, it's possible to interact with Azure DevOps using the Azure CLI. Neil Peterson takes a quick look at ...
The Azure Web App tab appears, and you can see there the app management and configuration tasks that are available in Visual Studio. In this tutorial, you'll use the logging and tracing drop-downs. You'll also use remote debugging but you'll use a different method to enable it. For inf...