Azure Front Door Azure API 管理 Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS) Azure 应用程序网关 Dynamics 365 云解决方案的成功取决于其可靠性。 可靠性大体上可定义为系统在指定环境条件下在指定时间内按预期运行的概率。 站点可靠性工程 (SRE) 是一组原则和做法,可用于创建可缩放的且高度可靠的软件系统。 在...
Azure Functions 可在 Azure 应用服务平台上运行。 在应用服务平台中,托管高级计划函数应用的计划称为弹性高级计划,其 SKU 名称类似于 EP1。 如果选择在高级计划上运行函数应用,请确保创建一个 SKU 名称以“E”开头的计划,例如 EP1。 以“P”开头的应用服务计划 SKU 名称,例如 P1V2(高级 V2 小型计划),实际上...
Azure Front Door Azure API Management Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Application Gateway Dynamics 365 クラウド ソリューションの成功は、そのソリューションの信頼性にかかっています。 信頼性は “特定の期間に特定の環境条件でシステムが正常に機能する確率” と広く定義...
Azure Front Door Modern cloud CDN that delivers optimized experiences to your users anywhere. Product Pricing Azure Network Function Manager Extend Azure management for deploying 5G and SD-WAN network functions on edge devices. Product Azure Virtual Network Manager Centrally manage virtual networks...
将托管 Azure Front Door 添加到静态 Web 应用,以便通过边缘负载均衡、SSL 卸载和应用程序加速显著减少延迟并提高全球用户的吞吐量。使用 Azure Functions 以首选语言(JavaScript、TypeScript、Python 或 C#)构建高度可扩展的无服务器 API。 使用Azure Front Door 启用企业级边缘 ...
Front Door's features work best when traffic only flows through Front Door. You should configure your origin to block traffic that hasn't been sent through Front Door. Otherwise, traffic might bypass Front Door's web application firewall, DDoS protection, and other security...
non-HTTP triggered functions. Azure Front Door needs to be used to coordinate requests between both regions when using the active/active patternforHTTP trigger functions. When using the active/passive pattern, the second region is activated when failover is required and takes...
Azure Functions(Backend) Backend API created w/ .NET Core App Service Authentication for Twitter Azure Front Door HTTPs redirects Routing between frontend and backend requests Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API Application Insights Monitoring across the frontend and backend ...
, RE2, and Hyperscan in the same context, the Azure team built a measuring tool that was used to profile the performance of pcre_exec of PCRE, re2_exec of RE2, and hs_scan of Hyperscan with block mode. All patterns and corresponding subjects were respectively tested by...
Operations Status Codes Request headers Response headers Access control Querying resources Databases Collections Documents Attachments Stored Procedures User Defined Functions Triggers Users Permissions Offers Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider ...