Microsoft Azure for Students では、無料アカウントを作成すると USD$100 のクレジットを受け取ることができます。クレジット カードは必要なく、12 か月間無料で Azure のサービスを利用できます。
Azure for Students est disponible uniquement pour les étudiants qui répondent aux conditions suivantes : Vous devez confirmer que vous êtes étudiant à plein temps dans un établissement d’enseignement agréé qui décerne des diplômes en deux ou en quatre ans. Vous devez confirmer votre sta...
提供多种学生套餐。 目前,Microsoft Azure for Students Starter 套餐与此 Azure SQL 数据库的免费套餐不兼容。 相反,可以考虑Azure for College 套餐或Azure 免费套餐。 如果需要,可以从开始计算额度起取消“继续付费使用数据库”选项。 一个月内任何未使用的 vCore 秒是否将延续到下个月?
Microsoft Azure for Students アカウントを作成すると、USD100 分のクレジットを取得できるほか、人気のクラウド サービスや開発者ツールに無料でアクセスできます。 パートナーとつながる 実証されている Azure の機能を利用するパートナーから技術的な支援、アドバイス、サポートを受ける...
Try Azure for Students Get a USD 100 credit and free access to popular cloud services and developer tools when you create your Azure for Students account. Connect with a partner Get technical assistance, advice, and support from a partner with verified Azure capabilities. ...
\n We have a great set of Azure Labs for Students and Educators to get you started\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Specific Big Data and HDINsight labs are at\n \n
"Devices for education","Edu 3":"Microsoft Teams for Education","Edu 4":"Microsoft 365 Education","Edu 5":"How to buy for your school","Edu 6":"Educator Training and development","Edu 7":"Deals for students and parents","Edu 8":"Azure for students","...
Microsoft is offering your students access to a free 15-day or 30-day Microsoft Azure Pass depending on the individual course requirement. Passes for students will be distributed to students and MCTs when they access hands-on labs via one of the Authorized Lab hosters (ALH’s). The ALH wil...
As a general rule, set a resource's region to one that is closest to its users. For labs, this means creating the lab that is closest to your students. For courses whose students are located all over the world, try to create a lab that is centrally located or split the class into ...
: To provide access to the apps to your users, create and deploy the app packages on their computers. Users must sign in using their SSO credentials to start using the apps and services. For more information, seeCreate Named User Licensing Packages. ...