若您的組織使用私人網路公用 IP 位址範圍,Azure 防火牆將會對AzureFirewallSubnet其中一個防火牆私人 IP 位址的流量執行 SNAT。 您也可以將 Azure 防火牆,設定為不對您的公用 IP 位址範圍執行 SNAT。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Azure 防火牆 SNAT 私人 IP 位址範圍(英文)。注意:若目的...
FQDN 標籤- 這些標籤可讓您輕鬆地允許已知的 Azure 服務網路流量通過防火牆。 舉例來說,當您要允許 Windows Update 網路流量通過防火牆時。 您可以建立應用程式規則,並包含 Windows Update 標籤。 現在,來自 Windows Update 的網路流量就能通過您的防火牆。 服務標籤- 服務標籤代表一組 IP 位址首碼,可協助將建立安...
Windows 365 Azure 虛擬桌面 Intune 設定來自環境的優化連線時,您也可以考慮存取其他Microsoft服務 (,例如 Office 365) 。 某些服務的 FQDN 標籤可供 Azure 防火牆使用,以簡單的方式協助設定和維護這些規則,稍後會在本文件中討論。 使用Azure 防火牆和 FQDN 標籤的範例架構 ...
Azure Firewall integration with Windows 365 provides a simplified and more efficient way to allow and secure outbound traffic to Windows 365. Instead of creating policy rules with the specific FQDNs, you can now use the new built-in FQDN tag represents therequired Windows 365 FQ...
{ "publisher": "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions", "type": "CustomScript", "typeHandlerVersion": "2.1", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "settings": { "skipDos2Unix":false, "timestamp":123456789 }, "protectedSettings": { "commandToExecute": "", "script": "", "storageAccountName": "<...
1. A registry export of “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform” for backup purposes2. Disable the Windows Firewall by running the command “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off” and proceed with activation by executing “SLMGR –ATO"...
Windows Containers are not supported in App Service Environments at present. Web application firewall at Azure Front Door service We have heard from many of you that security is a top priority when moving web applications onto the cloud. Today, we are very excited to announce our public ...
To set a server-level rule from this page, selectNetworkingfrom theSettingsmenu on the left side. Add a rule in theFirewall rulessection to add the IP address of the computer that you're using, and then selectSave. A server-level IP firewall rule is created for your current IP address...
在Log Analytics 工作区中,从先前导航到的“Windows 服务器”页,根据 Windows 操作系统的处理器体系结构选择相应的“下载 Windows 代理”版本。 运行安装程序在计算机上安装该代理。 在“欢迎”页面上,单击“下一步”。 在“许可条款”页面上阅读许可协议,然后单击“我接受” 。
Citrix Web App Firewall for Citrix firewall activity. Microsoft Defender for Cloud for security alerts originating from Defender. Microsoft Office 365 for any Office activity, assuming your Office 365 tenant is the same tenant as used for your Citrix deployment. Threat Intelligence – TAXII f...