您可以將Azure 防火牆設定為 DNS Proxy 的角色。 DNS Proxy 是從用戶端虛擬機器對 DNS 伺服器發出 DNS 要求的媒介。如果您想要在網路規則中啟用 FQDN (完整網域名稱) 篩選,請啟用 DNS Proxy 並更新虛擬機器設定,以使用防火牆作為 DNS Proxy。如果您在網路規則中啟用 FQDN 篩選,並且未將用戶端虛擬機器設定為...
{subscriptionId}/RESOURCEGROUPS/{resourceGroupName}/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.NETWORK/AZUREFIREWALLS/{resourceName}", "operationName": "AzureFirewallDnsProxyLog", "properties": { "msg": "DNS Request: – 15676 AAA IN md-l1l1pg5lcmkq.blob.core.windows.net. udp 55 false 512 NOERROR...
1.检查发现,Azure Firewall开启了DNS Proxy,因此除了正常的数据交互流量之外,Firewall IP的流量应该还包括DNS 解析的流量。 2.我们开启了Firewall的诊断日志,并将诊断日志发送到Log Analytic 3.检查Firewall的Log Analytics信息,具体的Kusto语法 AzureDiagnostics| where Category =="AzureFirewallDnsProxy"| project m...
If DNS Proxy is disabled and Custom DNS is disabled, then Azure Firewall uses Azure DNS. If DNS Proxy is enabled and Custom DNS is disabled, then Azure Firewall listens for DNS requests, and then sends DNS queries to the Azure DNS IP of If DNS Proxy is enabled and Cust...
U kunt Azure Firewall configureren om te fungeren als een DNS-proxy. Een DNS-proxy is een intermediair voor DNS-aanvragen van virtuele clientmachines naar een DNS-server.In de volgende informatie worden enkele implementatiedetails voor Azure Firewall DNS-proxy beschreven....
Azure Firewall can use FQDNs in network rules based on DNS resolution in Firewall policy. This capability allows the firewall to filter outbound traffic with any TCP/UDP protocol (including NTP, SSH, RDP, and more). DNS Proxy must be enabled when using FQDN filtering in Network rules. Whe...
DNS Durable Task Scheduler Dynatrace Edge Hardware Center Education Elastic SAN Elastic Event Grid Event Hubs ExpressRoute Extended Location Fabric Firewall Fleet Front Door Service Graph Services Guest Configuration HDInsight HDInsight Kafka REST Proxy HDInsight On Aks HDInsight Spark Healthcare Apis Hea...
DNS Durable Task Scheduler Dynatrace Edge Hardware Center Education Elastic SAN Elastic Event Grid Event Hubs ExpressRoute Extended Location Fabric Firewall Fleet Front Door Service Graph Services Guest Configuration HDInsight HDInsight Kafka REST Proxy HDInsight On Aks HDInsight Spark Healthcare Apis Hea...
Firewall rules can also be configured as part of domain policies and hence please work with your domain policies to check if there are any such rules that can block the connection. 2. Other Firewall products 3. Proxy and Routers and other components in your network: Proxies can act as fir...
If you do not want any impact for these four scenarios during this period, please add the additional IP address ranges below for your region to your firewall rules as soon as possible. Azure DevOps Services connecting to endpoints for Service Hooks, Azure DevOps Services connecting to ...