Troubleshoot Azure Firewall application rulesAzure Firewall helps you to control outbound network access from an Azure subnet. With Azure Firewall, you can configure:Application rules that define fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) that can be accessed from a subnet. Network rules that defi...
Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door protects web applications from common vulnerabilities and exploits. Azure-managed rule sets provide an easy way to deploy protection against a common set of security threats. Because Azure manages these rule sets, the rules are updated as needed ...
ApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate ApplicationGatewayUrlConfiguration ApplicationGatewayUrlPathMap ApplicationGatewayWafRuleActionType ApplicationGatewayWafRuleStateType ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration ApplicationRule ArmNetworkModelFactory
在Azure 的架构里, WAF 需要依附在其它 network service 之上. 然后把 DNS point to 这些 service (有点反向代理的味道) 参考:What is Azure Web Application Firewall 1. Azure Application Gateway 参考:What is Azure Application Gateway? 它是Azure 的 load balancer 之一 (Azure 针对不同场合有不同的 load...
您可以根據 Azure 防火牆和 [防火牆原則] 中的 DNS 解析,在網路規則中使用 FQDN。 這項功能可讓您使用 TCP/UDP 通訊協定 (包含 NTP、SSH、RDP 等) 來篩選輸出流量。 您必須啟用 DNS Proxy,才能在您的網路規則中使用 FQDN。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Azure 防火牆原則 DNS 設定。
Azure 跨界虚拟网络连接到本地网络,扩展网络以包括在 Azure 基础结构服务中托管的子网和虚拟机。 此连接允许本地网络上的计算机直接访问 Azure 中的虚拟机,反之亦然。 例如,在 Azure 虚拟机上运行的目录同步服务器需要查询本地域控制器的帐户更改,并将这些更改与 Microsoft 365 订阅同步。
sys.database_firewall_rules sys.database_service_objectives sys.database_usage sys.dm_elastic_pool_resource_stats sys.dm_hs_database_log_rate sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats sys.event_log sys.firewall_rules sys.resource_stats sys.resource_usage ...
Rule Collections: Inside a group, rule collections are the actual sets of rules that Azure Firewall enforces. Rule collections are defined based on the type of traffic they manage—network rules, application rules, or NAT rules. Rules: Finally, within each rule collection, you define the speci...
Once the storage account is created, the customer could modify the encryption key from a platform managed key (PMK aka key managed by Microsoft) to a customer managed key (CMK), enable soft delete, or enable network controls such as the storage firewall. These are all operations against the...
Zero Trust Network Access Secure Access Next Generation Firewall Security Fabric Tele-Working Multi-Factor Authentication FortiASIC Operational Technology MSSP 4-D Resources Secure SD-WAN Zero Trust Network Access Wireless Switching Secure Access Service Edge Identity and Access Management Next Generation Fi...