它會為 Blob 建立 GUID 名稱、上傳並儲存檔案,然後傳回參考至儲存的 Blob。C# 複製 private async Task<CloudBlockBlob> UploadAndSaveBlobAsync(HttpPostedFileBase imageFile) { string blobName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(imageFile.FileName); CloudBlockBlob imageBlob = imagesBlob...
[guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $uri = $KeyVault.VaultUri + "/secrets/" + $secretName + "?api-version=" + $apiversion $secretAttributes = @{"enabled" = $true} $secretTags = @{"DiskEncryptionKeyEncryptionAlgorithm" = "RSA-OAEP"; "DiskEncryptionKeyFileName" = "LinuxPassPhraseFileName...
Machine::ServiceMap 所顯示機器的 Azure Resource Manager 資源名稱。 格式為m-{GUID},其中GUID與 AgentId 相同 Process:ServiceMap 所顯示處理序的 Azure Resource Manager 資源名稱。 格式為p-{hex string}。 在機器範圍內,處理序皆屬唯一;若要產生跨機器的唯一處理序識別碼,請合併 [機器] 和 [處理序] 欄位...
Name : ExampleClassicVM ResourceId : /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/ExampleGroup/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/ExampleClassicVM ResourceName : ExampleClassicVM ResourceType : Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines ResourceGroupName : ExampleGroup Location : westus SubscriptionId : ...
"id":"/subscriptions/guid/resourceGroups/MYRESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/myImage","location":"westus","name":"myImage", The following example usesaz vm createto create a VM in a resource group other than the source image, by specifying the image resource ID. ...
ResourceGroupName - Azure Resource Group which ADF belongs to SubscriptionID - Subscription (Guid) Generate dependencies diagram If you want to see all ADF objects and its dependencies on one page - now you can. Once you read all objects from JSON files (by using other well-known Import-Adf...
.GetConfigurationSetting("ContosoJobNotificationQueueName"); // setup the notificationEndPoint based on the queue and endPointAddress this.notificationEndPoint = this.context.NotificationEndPoints.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), NotificationEndPointType.AzureQueue, endPointAddress); if (this.notification...
For the filename I used eight characters of a GUID using the Substring method of the String class, removing the dashes from the GUID. The GUID was created using the NewGuid method of the System.Guid class, by passing an “N” parameter to the ToString method of the Guid class. Finally...
In the Flow the Azure AD "Get Group" action, which is supplied with a valid group GUID, errors with "resource <GUID> does not exist". The group GUID is valid because when I put the same Azure AD "Get Group" action in a Flow that has the manual button trigger ...
$adTenant contoso.onmicrosoft.com FQDN or GUID of your Microsoft Entra ID that hosts the key vaultInstall Az PowerShell moduleTo install Az PowerShell module for the recovery VM, follow these steps:Open a PowerShell session as administrator, and set the HTTP APIs security protocol to ...