Cool 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.Models 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.Storage v1.2.3 Source: FileShareAccessTier.cs 很好。 C# 复制 public static Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.Models.FileShareAccessTier Cool { ...
Tier: The tier of Azure Files for the Reservation. Reservations currently are available for the premium, hot, and cool tiers. Location: The Azure region for the Reservation. Reservations are available in a subset of Azure regions. Redundancy: The storage redundancy for the Reservation. Reservations...
Access tier: The access tier of the file share dictates to the ratio of storage to IOPS/throughput costs (in the form of transactions). There are three access tiers: transaction optimized, hot, and cool. Changing the tier of the Azure file share results in transaction costs for the ...
The cool access tier offers the most cost-efficient storage pricing for storage-intensive workloads. Pay-as-you-go is only available for HDD file shares. We recommend using the provisioned v2 billing model for new HDD file share deployments. For more information on the pay-as-you-go billing...
Premium tier ✔️ Standard tiers (Hot, Cool, and Transaction optimized) ⛔ POSIX-permissions ✔️ Root squash ✔️ Access same data from Windows and Linux client ⛔ Identity-based authentication ⛔ Azure file share soft delete ✔️ Azure File Sync ⛔ Azure file share backups...
虛刪除檔案共用時,會針對指定的虛刪除期間向儲存體已使用的部分收費。除非還原共用,否則不會向其他所有計量計費。 每個月每個已使用的 GiB $0.1360 已佈建的 v1 檔案共用會以每月費率每小時計費。 保留 佈建的 v1 計費模型支援使用保留,這可透過認可一年或三年的 Azure 檔案儲存體使用量,為您已佈建的儲存空間...
Azure Files:文件共享,支持的协议包括Message Block (SMB) or Network File System (NFS) Azure Queues:消息队列 Azure Disks:相当于虚机的硬盘。 Azure Blobs:存储文本数据和二进制数据,根据数据的访问频次不同又分为不同的访问层(access tier),以便于降低客户使用费用,存储层分为:hot, cool, cold, Archive. ...
对于版本 2017-04-17 及更高版本,如果显式设置了访问层,List Blobs返回AccessTier元素。 有关允许的高级页 Blob 层的列表,请参阅VM 的高性能高级存储和托管磁盘。 对于 Blob 存储或常规用途 v2 帐户,有效值Hot、Cool和Archive。 如果 blob 处于解除冻结挂起状态,则ArchiveStatus元素返回有效值之一(rehydrate-pendi...
Employ three-tier architecture to restrict access to databases only by application servers but not directly by clients. Implementation of such a design can be achieved by properly configuring the Cosmos DB firewall to provide access only to specific IP addresses or subnets. Assign least privileged ...
This header is set only if the block blob tier is inferred. x-ms-archive-status Version 2017-04-17 and later. For blob storage or general purpose v2 account, valid values are rehydrate-pending-to-hot, rehydrate-pending-to-cool, and rehydrate-pending-to-cold. If the blob is being re...