FileSyncSvc.exe。 用于监视终结点上更改情况的服务。 StorageSync.sys。 Azure 文件系统筛选器驱动程序。 PowerShell 管理 cmdlet。 服务器终结点表示已注册的服务器上的特定位置,如本地磁盘上的文件夹。 只要多个服务器终结点的路径不重叠,它们就可以存在于同一个卷上。 云终结点是属于同步组的 Azure 文件共享。
FileSyncSvc.exe。 用于监视终结点上更改情况的服务。 StorageSync.sys。 Azure 文件系统筛选器驱动程序。 PowerShell 管理 cmdlet。 服务器终结点表示已注册的服务器上的特定位置,如本地磁盘上的文件夹。 只要多个服务器终结点的路径不重叠,它们就可以存在于同一个卷上。 云终结点是属于同步组的 Azure 文件共享。
To preserve existing script behavior, the Azure storage PowerShell module and the Azure CLI maintain the existing commands that use the data plane to manage the file service and file shares, as well as adding new commands to use the control plane. Portal requests only go through the control ...
已新增預覽功能,以偵測 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet 輸出中的秘密和敏感性資訊,以防止外洩。 將它啟用為 『Set-AzConfig -DisplaySecretsWarning True』。 深入了解: 已修正 AzureRmContext 中的 'CacheDirectory' 和 'CacheFile' 同步處理問題 設定.json 不允許客戶...
To immediately run server change enumeration on a server endpoint path, run the following PowerShell commands: Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent\StorageSync.Management.ServerCmdlets.dll" Invoke-StorageSyncServerChangeDetection -ServerEndpointPath <path> ...
To add a server endpoint path that’s allowed, run the following PowerShell commands on the server: Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent\StorageSync.Management.ServerCmdlets.dll' -verbose Add-StorageSyncAllowedServerEndpointPath -Path <path> To get the list ...
Using Windows PowerShell scripts for Azure Resource Manager, authorize a device to change the service data encryption key. Using Windows PowerShell for StorSimple, initiate the service data encryption key change. If you have more than one StorSimple device, update the service data encryption key ...
Using Windows PowerShell scripts for Azure Resource Manager, authorize a device to change the service data encryption key. Using Windows PowerShell for StorSimple, initiate the service data encryption key change. If you have more than one StorSimple device, update the service data encryption key ...
You can do this via the job finish and job cancel commands, the Stop-HpcJob HPC PowerShell cmdlet, and the HPC Job Scheduler API in the SDK. Command line examples: job finish 2 /graceful /message: "Finish the job gracefully" job cancel 5 /graceful /message: "Cancel the job ...
Just a few commands (as described on Set-AzureRmResource docs: $ResourceType = Microsoft.Web/sites/config $ResourceName = tolapp ...