此快照可用于将共享还原到在创建服务器终结点之前的状态。 创建服务器终结点后,不会自动移除快照,因此,如果不需要快照,可以手动删除它。 可以通过查看 Azure 文件共享的快照并在发起程序列中检查 AzureFileSync 来查找 Azure 文件同步创建的快照。 “云分层”部分 ...
$privateEndpointResourceGroupName = "<your-private-endpoint-resource-group>" $privateEndpointName = "<your-private-endpoint-name>" Get-AzPrivateEndpoint ` -ResourceGroupName $privateEndpointResourceGroupName ` -Name $privateEndpointName ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty NetworkInter...
Understand the options during server endpoint creation and how to best apply them to your situation.
开始使用 Azure Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <azure-file-sync-endpoint> -Port 443 確定Proxy 設定已如預期般設定。 這可以透過 Get-StorageSyncProxyConfiguration Cmdlet 完成這項作業。 有關針對 Azure 檔案同步進行 Proxy 設定的詳細資訊,可以在 Azure 檔案同步 Proxy 和防火牆設定中找到。 PowerShell 複製...
Plan smarter, collaborate better, and ship faster with Azure DevOps Services, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services. Get agile tools, CI/CD, and more.
Proactive recall mode: whenever a file is created or modified, you can proactively recall it to servers that you specify within the same sync group. This makes the file readily available for consumption in each server you specified. Have teams across the globe working on the sam...
Microsoft.StandbyPoolN/Astandbycontainergrouppools standbyvirtualmachinepools Microsoft.StoragestorageAccounts storageAccounts/blobServices storageAccounts/fileServices storageAccounts/objectReplicationPolicies storageAccounts/queueServices storageAccounts/storageTasks ...
将Azure FileShare share1同步到Server Endpoint。 在这没法添加,只能管理服务! 选择-Create a resource 查找-azure file sync 注意:选择的Location,一定要与File服务器对应的存储账户在同一个区域。 创建-存储同步 创建好的服务 创建同步组 如果本地服务器注册好后,在以下位置有显示 ...
SQL Azure Database also manages load balancing and, in case of a server failure, transparent fail-over. To provide this level of physical administration, you cannot control the physical resources of SQL Azure Database. For example, you cannot specify the physical hard drive or file group where...