Tiered vs. locally cached file behavior Low disk space mode Next steps Cloud tiering, an optional feature of Azure File Sync, decreases the amount of local storage required while keeping the performance of an on-premises file server. When enabled, this feature stores only frequently accessed (hot...
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent\StorageSync.Management.ServerCmdlets.dll" Get-StorageSyncFileTieringResult 如果錯誤碼的內容不存在,請遵循一般疑難解答步驟:確認檔案存在於 Azure 檔案共用中。 注意 檔案必須同步到 Azure 檔案共用,才能將它分層。 確認伺服器具有因特網連線能力。 確認Azure...
Azure File Sync is a Microsoft cloud service, based on two main components:File synchronization and cloud tiering to create a performance access cache on any Windows Server. File shares as native storage in Azure that can be accessed over multiple protocols like SMB and file REST....
Azure File Sync documentation Overview What is Azure File Sync? Tutorials Deploy Manage Cloud tiering Security and networking Networking Networking considerations for hybrid access Configure Azure File Sync network endpoints Configure File Sync proxy and firewall settings ...
Configure cloud tiering to tier all data to cloud, thereby freeing up space on the file server disk. Move data from other volumes/shares into the current volume which is syncing. Continue the steps one by one until all data is tiered up to cloud/migrated. 2) Target one root volume (...
Configure cloud tiering to tier all data to cloud, thereby freeing up space on the file server disk. Move data from other volumes/shares into the current volume which is syncing. Continue the steps one by one until all data is tiered up to cloud/migrated. 2) Target one root volume (...
Azure File Sync is a Microsoft cloud service, based on two main components:File synchronization and cloud tiering to create a performance access cache on any Windows Server. File shares as native storage in Azure that can be accessed over multiple protocols like SMB and file REST....
Azure File Sync is a Microsoft cloud service, based on two main components:File synchronization and cloud tiering to create a performance access cache on any Windows Server. File shares as native storage in Azure that can be accessed over multiple protocols like SMB and file REST....
Improved Azure File Sync service availability Azure File Sync is now a zone-redundant service which means an outage in a zone has limited impact while improving the service resiliency to minimize customer impact. To fully leverage this improvement, configure your storage accounts...
Azure File Sync is now a zone-redundant service which means an outage in a zone has limited impact while improving the service resiliency to minimize customer impact. To fully leverage this improvement, configure your storage accounts to use zone-redundant storage (ZRS) or G...