sudo mount -o vers=4,minorversion=1,proto=tcp,sec=sys $server:/nfs4account/share /media/nfs 将目录更改为 /media/nfs/.snapshots,以便查看可用的快照。 默认情况下,.snapshots 目录处于隐藏状态,但可以像任何目录一样查看和读取。 Bash 复制 cd /media/nfs/.snapshots 列出.snapshots 文件夹的内容。
Today, we are very excited to introduce thepublic preview of Azure Files share snapshots. Azure Files share snapshots allows you to periodically store read-only versions of your file shares. It also allows you to copy an older version of your content from anywhere for further modification and u...
Granular file permissions. You can use NTFS file system permissions to control access (and the level of access) to files on Azure file shares in the same way as with on-premises file servers. Previous versions and backups. You can create Azure file share snapshots that integrate wit...
If you can't modify or delete an Azure file share or snapshot, it might be due to file locks or leases. Azure Files provides two ways to prevent accidental modification or deletion of Azure file shares and share snapshots:Storage account resource locks: All Azure resources, in...
Migrated backups become Azure file share snapshots. File share snapshots only consume storage capacity for the differences they contain. StorSimple: Until you deprovision the StorSimple devices and storage accounts, StorSimple cost for storage, backups, and appliances will continue to occur....
cmdkey / /user:localhost\StorageAccountName /pass:StorageAccountKeyFor Azure Government Cloud, change the servername to:\\\myfileshareAccessing share snapshots from Windows...
CloudFileClient client = account.CreateCloudFileClient(); CloudFileShare share = client.GetShareReference("bar"); share.CreateIfNotExistsAsync().Wait(); } 步骤3:使用文件共享 创建共享后,可以通过 SMB 或 REST 协议从共享所属存储帐户所在的同一区域中的任何 Azure 节点 (VM/Worker/Web role) 访问共享...
Previous version support through VSS integrated share snapshots. Automatic soft delete on Azure file shares to prevent accidental deletes. Optionally internet-accessible file shares with internet-safe SMB 3.0+. SMB file shares can be mounted directly on-premises or can also becached on-premises with...
在Azure 中创建 VM 后,建议将 pagefile 置于临时驱动器卷以改进性能。 可按如下所示设置文件位置: PowerShell Set-ItemProperty-Path'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management'-NamePagingFiles-Value'D:\pagefile.sys'-TypeMultiString-Force ...