Both NFS and SMB protocols are supported on Azure virtual machines (VMs) running Linux. This tutorial shows you how to create an Azure file share using the NFS protocol and connect it to a Linux VM. In this tutorial, you will: Create a storage account Deploy a Linux VM Create an NFS ...
Azure 文件存储提供两种行业标准文件系统协议用于装载 Azure 文件共享:服务器消息块 (SMB)协议和网络文件系统 (NFS)协议,你可以选取最适合你的工作负荷的协议。 尽管可以在同一 FileStorage 存储帐户中创建 SMB 和 NFS 文件共享,但 Azure 文件共享不支持同时使用 SMB 和 NFS 协议访问单个 Azure 文件共享。 Azure 文...
File share typeSMBNFS Standard file shares (GPv2), LRS/ZRS Standard file shares (GPv2), GRS/GZRS Premium file shares (FileStorage), LRS/ZRS Support Currently, only NFS version 4.1 is supported. NFS 4.1 shares are only supported within theFileStoragestorage account type (premium file shares on...
即使未选中此设置,SSD 存储帐户也可以创建 NFS v4.1 文件共享;在 Azure 文件存储中,你需要在文件共享级别选择文件共享的协议,而不是存储帐户级别。 Blob 存储部分仅适用于 Azure Blob 存储使用,即使在使用预配 v1 或预配 v2 模型(这些模型只能包含 Azure 文件)的 FileStorage 存储帐户中也是如此。 展开表 字段...
其实在 IT 界,共享这个概念很早就出现了,通过 SMB 协议的 Windows 共享目录,NFS 协议的网络文件系统等等。在 Azure 平台,也提供了 Azure 共享文件服务供客户访问。但是不管是 CIFS,NFS,还是 Azure File Share 都有其不足之处。比如 CIFS,NFS 无法实现高可用,一旦 CIFS server 或者 NFS server 不可用,整个共享...
(3)子网nfs-subnet,用来创建nfs内网IP地址 2.创建Azure Blob Storage和Azure File Sharing 3.创建Private DNS Zone,对azure File增加内网DNS记录 1.Azure CLI创建Azure资源的脚本如下: ...
Can I use both NFS and SMB protocols for the same Azure File share?No, an Azure File share can be accessed either via NFS or SMB protocol but not both simultaneously. The choice depends on your application requirements, operating system, and specific needs. ...
Take advantage of fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry-standard SMB and NFS protocols. Azure Files shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Azure Files shares can also be cached on Windows Servers...
Take advantage of fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry-standard SMB and NFS protocols. Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Azure file shares can also be cached on Windows Servers...