resource's capabilities. For example, resource lock is an extension resource. You apply a resource lock to another resource to prevent it from being deleted or modified. It doesn't make sense to create a resource lock by itself. An extension resource is always applied to another resource. ...
virtualmachines 是 是 是 使用Azure Resource Mover 來移動 Azure 虛擬機器。 virtualmachines / extensions 是 是 No virtualmachinescalesets 是 是 No重要 特定作業可協助跨訂用帳戶移動 雲端服務(外延支援)部署模型資源。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱對應的 移動指引。展開...
ExtensionResource FarmBeatCollection FarmBeatData FarmBeatResource FarmBeatsExtensionCollection FarmBeatsExtensionData FarmBeatsExtensionResource FarmBeatsExtensionResource 构造函数 字段 ResourceType 属性 方法 Azure.ResourceManager.AgFoodPlatform.Models 警报管理 分析 API 中心 API 管理 应用合规性自动化 应用程序配置...
Child resources have a resource type in the format of <resource-provider-namespace>/<parent-resource>/<child-resource>. For example, Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues is a child resource of Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces. When you move the parent resource, the child resource automatically ...
The Azure Monitor agent replaces the Azure Diagnostics extension and Logs Analytics agent, which were previously used for guest OS routing. For important additional information, seeOverview of Azure Monitor agents. Supported metrics and log categories by resource type ...
Soft Deleted Resource Ssh Public Keys Usage Virtual Machine Extension Images Virtual Machine Extensions Virtual Machine Images Virtual Machine Images Edge Zone Virtual Machine Run Commands Virtual Machine Scale Set Extensions Virtual Machine Scale Set Rolling Upgrades Virtual Machine Scale Set VM Extensions ...
This means you can use the Azure Resources extension to manage your Azure resources directly from your browser! Note that this does not require the Azure Accounts extension and uses VS Code's built-in authentication provider. Features Resource and Workspace views Use the Resources explorer to ... - lists AWS Config recorders, checking all resource types are supported (should be true) and includes global resources (should be true) - lists AWS Config recorders, their recording status (should be true) and their last status (should be succe...
Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 1: An Overview discusses the three main monitoring categories: cluster health and availability, resource utilization and performance, and job status and logs. This blog covers the first of those topics, cluster health and availability, in more depth. Azure shows ...
containers, UOB application on an Azure Virtual Machine (VM). Let’s start with creating an Azure Linux VM which will act as server machine. Follow theCreate a virtual machineinstructions to create a Linux VM and keep the VM within the same resource group where the IoT Hub has been ...