使用ExpressRoute 連線到 Azure 服務 注意 本文描述如何利用 ExpressRoute、Azure、Microsoft 網路和 Azure 合作夥伴生態系統,採取遠端工作並減輕因 COVID-19 危機而面臨的網路問題。 ExpressRoute是一種 Azure 服務,其可在 Microsoft 資料中心和內部部署或共置設備中的基礎結構之間啟用私人連線能力。 ExpressRoute 連線...
ExpressRoute 连接合作伙伴 Azure ExpressRoute 资源 其他资源 通过ExpressRoute 开启你的专用连接 免费试用 Azure
地缘政治区域中 ExpressRoute 位置与 Azure 区域的映射。 ExpressRoute 连接提供商 显示另外 7 个 按提供商列出的位置 本文中的表格提供有关 ExpressRoute 地理覆盖范围和位置、ExpressRoute 连接提供商以及 ExpressRoute 系统集成商 (SI) 的信息。 备注
ExpressRoute provides Layer 3 (address-level) connectivity between your on-premises network and the Microsoft cloud through connectivity partners. These connections can be from a point-to-point, any-to-any network, or they can be virtual cross-connections through an exchange....
ExpressRoute 连接合作伙伴 Azure ExpressRoute 资源
To support these peerings, ExpressRoute has several network and routing requirements:Ensure that BGP sessions for routing domains have been configured. Depending on your partner, this configuration might be their or your responsibility. Additionally, for each ExpressRoute circuit, Microsoft re...
我们很激动地宣布推出一项名为ExpressRoute的全新Azure服务。ExpressRoute可提供客户的数据中心与Azure之间私有、可靠的低延迟连接。ExpressRoute是我们兑现承诺之旅中的重要一步,可帮助客户实现其现有内部部署投资效益最大化并充分利用云计算。 我们并非孤军奋战,我们在与AT&T和Equinix这样的合作伙伴并肩作战,授权客户使用Azur...
Azure Express route allows a private connection between an on-premises data center local network and the Microsoft cloud.
As per Microsoft NAT for ExpressRoute, Microsoft expects to support bi-directional connectivity on the Microsoft peering. Traffic destined to Microsoft cloud services must be Source NAT’ed to valid public IP addresses before they enter the Microsoft network. You can use the sample configur...
To my understanding, Expressroute provides a DEDICATED connection via a partner provider to the Azure cloud; avoiding the public internet. Now from what...