规划异地冗余线路: 在多个对等互连位置配置 ExpressRoute 线路,以确保本地网络和 Azure 之间存在多个地理上不同的路径。 这样可降低单一故障点导致网络中断的风险,从而提高连接的可靠性与可用性。 配置ExpressRoute Global Reach: 作为ExpressRoute 线路高级 SKU 功能,ExpressRoute Global Reach 允许通过 Azure 主干网络直...
如果对 Azure Microsoft 对等互连启用了 ExpressRoute 线路,则可以通过该线路访问 Azure 中使用的公共IP 地址范围。 Azure Microsoft 对等互连提供对当前在 Azure 上托管的服务的访问权限(具有地理限制,具体取决于线路的 SKU)。 若要验证特定服务的可用性,可以查看该服务的文档,了解是否为该服务发布了保留范围。 然后...
ExpressRoute Direct 支持 FastPath。 启用 FastPath 后,它会将网络流量直接发送到作为预期目标的虚拟机。 流量会绕过虚拟网络网关,从而提高 Azure 虚拟网络与本地网络之间的性能。FastPath 支持虚拟网络对等互连(将虚拟网络连接在一起)。 也支持网关子网上的用户定义路由。
标准ExpressRoute SKU 不支持跨地缘政治区域的连接。 需要启用 ExpressRoute 高级版附加组件才能支持全球连接。 不支持连接到国家/地区云环境。 如有需要,请联系连接服务提供商。 ExpressRoute 连接提供商 下表显示按服务提供商列出的位置。 若要按位置查看可用的提供商,请参阅按位置列出的服务提供商。
Maximum Azure VMware Solution ExpressRoute throughput 10 Gbps (use Ultra Performance Gateway SKU with FastPath enabled)**The virtual network gateway used determines the actual bandwidth. For more information, see About ExpressRoute virtual network gatewaysAzure VMware Solution ExpressRoutes do not have ...
Many enterprise customers use ExpressRoute to connect their private networks to Microsoft. ExpressRoute is supported by a large ecosystem of global telecom providers, cloud exchanges and service providers in over 35 locations. Today, we are introducing theUltraPerformance Gateway SKU for ExpressRoutethat...
AI + Machine Learning(8) + View all 19 product category Collapse Product Azure Backup(18) Azure Site Recovery(13) Microsoft Azure portal(13) Azure Monitor(12) Azure Disk Storage(11) Azure VMware Solution(9) Cost Management(9) Azure Migrate(8) ...
While creating a virtual network gateway in Azure, you select a gateway SKU. The SKU you select determines the CPUs and network bandwidth allocated to the gateway. Azure virtual network gateway: FastPath You can use Azure ExpressRoute FastPath to improve the data-path performance between your VN...
Enable the FastPath option when adding a connection in the Azure ExpressRoute Gateway. Ensure that the port size of the Azure ExpressRoute virtual circuit is the same size as the OCI FastConnect virtual circuit. Oracle and Azure build the high availability into the physical layer connecting multip...
Virtual network (VNet) peering: when a peering is created between 2 VNets, Azure adds the address spaces of each of the peered VNets to the Route tables of the source VNets. Virtual network gateway: this happens when S2S VPN or Express Route connectivity is establised and adds address spa...