AMSLiveEventOperations AMSMediaAccountHealth AMSStreamingEndpointRequests AMWMetricsUsageDetails AOIDatabaseQuery AOIDigestion AOIStorage APIMDevPortalAuditDiagnosticLog ASCAuditLogs ASCDeviceEvents ASRJobs ASRReplicatedItems ASimAuditEventLogs ASimAuthenticationEventLogs ASimDhcpEventLogs ASimDnsActivityLogs ASimFi...
HealthStateChangeEvent 工作负载监视器运行状况。 此数据表示运行状况监视器的状态转换。
InitiatingProcessIdlongProcess ID (PID) of the process that initiated the event. InitiatingProcessLogonIdlongIdentifier for a logon session of the process that initiated the event. This identifier is unique on the same machine only between restarts. ...
WindowsEvent WindowsFirewall WindowsServerAssessmentRecommendation WireData WorkloadDiagnosticLogs WorkloadMonitoringPerf Log Analytics 扔件皿伙 弁巨伉 PDF 毛母它件伕奈玉 荎惤匹掂戈 悵湔 戊伊弁扑亦件卞勾中化 皿仿件尺及袚樓 棒及源楊匹僕衄 ...
You create an event monitor for a Windows Azure application by using the Authoring console to create a monitor based on the event monitor type in the Monitoring Pack for Windows Azure Applications. This monitor type sets a Critical or Warning state when a particular event is received and a ...
2. Stream Analytics 分析场景示例: 3. Azure 平台服务日志参考:
NSG Flow Log说明: AZURE Service Log Support Matrix:哪些服务支持什么log,schema什么样子不知道看这里 ...
SaaS: Enter theendpoint URL for serverless monitoring. Self-hosted: Enter the endpoint in thehttps://<IP address of the Instana backend>/serverlessformat and set theINSTANA_DISABLE_CA_CHECKparameter totrueor1. In theLog-Levelfield, enter one of the following log levels that you want to use...
VM:通过Azure Security Park(AzSecPack)来收集虚拟机日志,采用Geneva Monitoring Agent(Linux和Windows)端来进行数据上传,通过SCUBA Poller(通过低延迟的日志分析威胁、调查等,这里根据各种开源情报猜测一下这里的SCUBA就是实时分析系统,可以第一时间进行准实时的威胁检测分析)或者ASM Poller把数据传递到Kusto SIEM平台; ...
</Event> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 在启用了 Proactive Crash Monitoring in Azure App Service 后,当应用再次应为没有处理的异常(24小时内...