-Key- 请求使用 SAS 密钥 -SASToken- 请求使用从 SAS 密钥生成的 SAS 令牌 -AADAccessToken– Microsoft Entra ID 颁发的 JSON Web 令牌 (JWT) 令牌 -Unknown- 不属于上述任何身份验证类型。 OPTIONS 请求具有此身份验证类型 身份验证/ObjectIdString身份验证类型设置为AADAccessToken时使用的服务主体的 ObjectId ...
Event Hubs 支持两种权限模型: SAS(shared access signatures) 一条规则包括:名称、权限、token。 SAS 提供基础的访问控制,用户需要自己管理SAS token 生命周期。 Azure Active Directory 微软推荐方案。基于角色的访问控制,支持细粒度的权限设置。 一个安全规则包括:user、group、应用规则。 AD 会返回 OAuth 2.0 token...
Like an access key, a SAS token allows access to sending events to an Event Grid topic. Unlike an access key, which can be used until it is regenerated, a SAS token has an experation time, at which point it is no longer valid. To use a SAS token for authentication, use theAzureSA...
Using endpoint and SAS token to create the clientIf you have a SAS (Shared Access Signature) that can be used to send events to an Event Grid Topic or Domain for limited time, you can use it to create the publisher client:Sync client:Java 複製 ...
如果使用推送傳遞,事件處理常式是 Azure 服務,而受控識別則會用來驗證事件方格,受控識別應該具有適當的 RBAC 角色。 例如,如果將事件傳送至事件中樞,事件訂閱中使用的受控識別應該是事件中樞資料傳送者角色的成員。 發佈時,您必須擁有主題的 SAS 權杖或金鑰驗證。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Event Grid 安全性和驗證。
Microsoft Entra authentication provides a superior authentication support than that's offered by access key or Shared Access Signature (SAS) token authentication. With Microsoft Entra authentication, the identity is validated against Microsoft Entra identity provider. As a developer, you won't have to ...
EventGridPublisherClient client =newEventGridPublisherClient(newUri(topicEndpoint), sasCredential); Java Generate the SAS: Copy StringsasToken=EventGridPublisherClient.generateSas( topicEndpoint,newAzureKeyCredential(topicAccessKey), OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(20)); ...
To publish the event, I use Postman (or a similar tool) to simulate the message coming from the HR application to the endpoint address mentioned earlier. For authorization, I add an item in the header called aeg-sas-key—it’s value is one of the access keys generated when the topic ...
value of theaeg-sas-keyto the samekeyvalue configured for the topic. Using anaeg-sas-tokenis more secure as thekeyis hashed but it's a bit trickier to set up. More information onsas tokencan be found herehttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/security-authentication#sas-...
The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both accountKey and identity; exactly one must be specified. AzureFileShareConfiguration Information used to connect to an Azure Fileshare. Expand table NameTypeDescription accountKey string The Azure Storage account key. accountName...