其適合概念結構和規劃的營運模型與資源結構一致的組織。如果您計劃透過 Azure 入口網站來管理您的環境,請使用 Azure 平臺登陸區域入口網站加速器。 部署 Azure Landing Zone 入口網站加速器需要擁有權限,以便在租用戶(/)範圍內建立資源。 若要授與這些許可權,請遵循 使用ARM模板進行租戶部署的指引:必要的存取權。
In this session, we will discuss the best practices from experience in setting up a landing zone and the basic blocks an enterprise should consider to securely migrate their applications to Azure. Who is it aimed at? The session is primarily aimed at Cloud Security Architects a...
An Azure landing zone consists of platform landing zones and application landing zones. It's worth explaining the function of both in more detail.Platform landing zone: A platform landing zone is a subscription that provides shared services (identity, connectivity, management) to applications in ...
The Azure Landing Zones (Enterprise-Scale) reference implementations in this repository are intended to support Enterprise-Scale Azure adoption and provides prescriptive guidance based on authoritative design for the Azure platform as a whole. Key customer landing zone requirementEnterprise-Scale reference ...
Ans.To guard against unauthorized access and network threats, Azure Landing Zones utilize network security groups, Azure Firewall and Azure ExpressRoute for secure connection and segmentation. Knowledge check Q. What is enterprise-scale? A. A landing zone design ...
Azure landing zones are the output of a multisubscription Azure environment that accounts for scale, security governance, networking, and identity. Azure landing zones enable application migration, modernization, and innovation at enterprise-scale in Azure. ...
Learn more aboutwhen to use Enterprise-Scalein my 2nd article. Sources Cloud Adoption Framework: AzureActive Directory"? I take it that there's a replication with ADConnect there. Also, I'm a little confused with the term "Landing zone" now. I always assumed a landing zone was all th...
What is the Landing Zone for RHEL on Azure? It’s the same Red Hat infrastructure standard reference architecture but worked into the Microsoft Azure ecosystem, helping to show you where to integrate identity, security zones, isolated networks, firewalling, RHEL IdM and even security measures lik...
Azure-platformeigenaar (zoals de ingebouwde rol Eigenaar) Workloadteam Centrale cloudstrategie Enterprise architect in Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) Op basis van portfolioanalyse. Zie Bedrijfsuitlijning en Zakelijke toezeggingen. Netwerkbeheer (NetOps) Workloadteam Centrale IT Centrale netwerken ...
With this article I would like to start a series related to a new approach to build Azure landing zones, called Enterprise-Scale. The first article services as a in introduction to the topic. W... \n Application-centric and archetype neutral ...