Quota increase for Azure Email Communication Service - An Azure Communication Services concept document Learn about requesting an increase to the default limit. Easily comply with email-sending limits through email throttling You can set a rate limit per minute to apply when sending emails ...
本文件說明 Azure Communication Services API 的限制和可能的解決方案。 節流模式和架構 當您達到服務的限制數量時,您會收到 HTTP 狀態碼 429 (太多要求)。 一般而言,以下是處理節流的最佳作法: 減少每個要求的作業數目。 減少通話的頻率。 避免立即做出重試,因為所有的要求都會納入使用量限制的計算。
Azure Communication Services 可以透過緩衝值來適應某些層級的抖動值。 在抖動超過緩衝處理時 (大約在 jitterAvg 時間超過 30 毫秒時),才可能會對品質造成負面影響。 以不同速度到達的封包會導致說話者的聲音聽起來像機器人。 此計量會在群組通話中的 participantDuration 期間或 P2P 通話中的 callDuration 期間...
本快速入門說明如何在 Azure 通訊服務 中聯機已驗證的網域以傳送電子郵件。 必要條件 具有有效訂用帳戶的 Azure 帳戶。免費建立帳戶。 準備佈建網域的 Azure 電子郵件通訊服務資源。開始建立電子郵件通訊資源。 Azure 受控網域或自訂網域佈建並準備好傳送電子郵件。 嘗試將網域連結至通訊服務資源之前,必須先完整...
Créez des services et des expériences de communication attractifs avec des API de communication, des API SMS et des API vidéo et les technologies utilisées par Microsoft Teams.
Azure Communication Services helps you build a strong communication platform and improve experience with APIs, SMS APIs, video APIs, technology, and more.
Chat Add chat to your applications with an easy-to-use, low-maintenance interface. SMS Send and receive text messages and get insights into deliverability and usage. Email Send transactional emails to customers and groups. Learn more about core services Start...
Integration and external communicationExpand table PolicyDescriptionClassicV2ConsumptionSelf-hostedWorkspace Send request Sends a request to the specified URL. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Send one way request Sends a request to the specified URL without waiting for a response. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Log to...
Integration and external communicationExpand table PolicyDescriptionClassicV2ConsumptionSelf-hostedWorkspace Send request Sends a request to the specified URL. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Send one way request Sends a request to the specified URL without waiting for a response. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Log to...
Send users an email Show 5 more This page covers a new installation of the server and setting it up with on-premises Active Directory. If you already have the MFA server installed and are looking to upgrade, seeUpgrade to the latest Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server. If you're lookin...