RetryOptions Overview RetryOptions Task TaskSet tasks constants orchestrator DurableOrchestrationClient DurableOrchestrationContext ManagedIdentityTokenSource Orchestrator RetryOptions Functions Grafana Graph Services HANA on Azure HDInsight Health Data AI Services ...
继承 builtins.object RetryOptions 构造函数 Python 复制 RetryOptions(first_retry_interval_in_milliseconds: int, max_number_of_attempts: int) 参数 展开表 名称说明 first_retry_interval_in_milliseconds 必需 max_number_of_attempts 必需 方法 展开表 to_json 将对象转换为 j...
call_activity_with_retry(name: str, retry_options: RetryOptions, input_: Any | None = None) -> Task 參數 展開資料表 名稱Description name 必要 str 要呼叫的活動函式名稱。 retry_options 必要 <xref:azure.durable_functions.models.DurableOrchestrationContext...
要搜尋的歷程記錄事件清單,以判斷活動的目前狀態。 retry_options 必要 <xref:azure.durable_functions.tasks.call_activity_with_retry.RetryOptions> 活動函式的重試選項。 name 必要 str 要呼叫的活動函式名稱。 input 必要 Any 要傳遞至活動函式的 JSON 可序列化輸入。 input_ 預...
See Individual Setup Parts below for more install/uninstall options. Index Dot Configs - .gitconfig, .vimrc, .screenrc, .tmux.conf, .toprc, .gitignore... Bash Environment & Libraries - .bashrc, .bash.d/ interactive library, lib/ scripting library Installation Scripts for many popular open ...
Migration options and best practices Develop Access on-premises data sources Develop for B2B scenarios Connectors - How-to guides Secure Manage Test Deploy Monitor Business continuity and disaster recovery Examples, scenarios, and walkthroughs Reference Resources Download PDF Learn...
I would like to add a similar situation with durable functions (V1). I have a timer function which runs once every 24 hours with RunOnStartup = false, UseMonitor = true parameters. It writes to a service bus topic which invokes a DurableOrchestrationClient function. The client function in...
As part of the admission control, each resource partition employs adaptive rate limiting. If the resource partition receives more requests within a second than it was calibrated against, the client will receive “request rate too large” with a back-off interval after which the client can retry....
YCSB supports many configuration options for its core workloads, and supports building custom workloads as well. In our testing, we intentionally chose to focus on a more challenging update heavy workload and larger datasets (10 million – 1 billion rows) to determine performance and scalability ac...
retry_options 必需 RetryOptions 用于在发生故障时重试此子业务流程协调程序的设置。 input 必需 <xref:Optional>[<xref:Any>] 要传递给活动函数的 JSON 可序列化输入。 默认值为“None”。 instance_id str 要调用的子业务流程协调程序的实例 ID。 默认值: None input_ 默认...