1. IoT设备遥测数据接入,例如,充电桩的遥测数据,接入到云端的Azure Event Hub中,接入后进行实时流式处理,数据分发等操作 2. 分布式事件中心:将跨域、跨模块、跨服务中心的事件,统一发送到Azure Event Hub中,通过事件的订阅者,集中分发处理。 3. 云端的ESB(私有云和公有云系统的集成打通),作为事件通道,Azure Mess...
PartitionKey:包含业务流程的实例 ID。 EventType:表示事件的类型。 可在此处找到所有历史记录事件类型的详细说明。 时间戳:历史记录事件的 UTC 时间戳。 名称:调用的函数的名称。 输入:函数的 JSON 格式的输入。 Result:函数的输出,即其返回值。警告 尽管此表可以用作有效的调试工具,但不要对它有任何依赖。 它...
业务流程协调程序函数能够等待和侦听外部事件。Durable Functions的此功能对于处理人机交互或其他外部触发器通常比较有用。 备注 外部事件是单向的异步操作。 它们不适用于发送事件的客户端需要来自业务流程协调程序函数的同步响应的情况。 等待事件 业务流程触发器绑定的“wait-for-external-event”API 使业务流程协调程序函...
在使用Azure Durable Function函数,调用函数链模式来调用多个Activity Function。 函数链:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/azure-functions/durable/durable-functions-overview?tabs=csharp 但是在一次本地的试验中,发现Activity Function 长时间处于 Running 状态,无任何返回或日志输出。 问题解答 通过VS Code在本地执行Fu...
|wherecustomDimensions.Category =="DurableTask.AzureStorage"|extendtaskName = customDimensions["EventName"] |extendeventType = customDimensions["prop__EventType"] |extendextendedSession = customDimensions["prop__IsExtendedSession"] |extendaccount = customDimensions["prop__Account"] ...
Durable Functions 1.x Adjon hozzáeventGridTopicEndpointéseventGridKeySettingNamevegyen fel egy tulajdonságotdurableTask. JSON {"durableTask": {"eventGridTopicEndpoint":"https://<topic_name>.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net/api/events","eventGridKeySettingName":"EventGridKey"} } ...
They are at the very heart of how Durable Functions works. It is important to remember how an Orchestrator function operates differently than a standard function. While a normal function only executes once per event, the orchestrator is restarted many times while waiting for other functions to com...
TerminateAsync – abruptly stop a Durable Function. RaiseEventAsync – send an event to function. This allows you to control the behavior of a function by signaling it from outside, for example by using a human-driven interaction such as one that is received from UI.It...
In spite of this, Durable Functions ensures reliable execution of orchestrations. It does so by using storage queues to drive function invocation and by periodically checkpointing execution history into storage tables (using a cloud design pattern known asEvent Sourcing). That history can then be ...
Durable workflow engine that allows users to track job status, orchestrate microservices and write long running persistent distributed workflows in PHP powered by Laravel Queues. Inspired by Temporal and Azure Durable Functions. - laravel-workflow/larave