buildType:指定要下载的生成工件:current(默认值)或特定生成的工件。 downloadType:选择是要下载单个工件还是下载特定版本的所有工件。 artifactName:要下载的工件的名称。 downloadPath:代理计算机上要将工件下载到的路径。备注 如果使用部署任务,可以使用 $(Agent.BuildDirectory) 引用生成工件。 有关更多详细信息,请参...
Download artifactsYou can download artifacts using YAML, the classic editor, or Azure CLI.YAML YAML (task) Classic Azure CLI YAML Copy steps: - download: current artifact: WebApp current: download artifacts produced by the current pipeline run. Options: current, specific. Note List of ...
This is what the artifact produced looks like: Then under the msi folder I have the following: In my DownloadPipelineArtifact task, I want to just download the [file-name]-3.16.1.msi file not both. I have an itemPattern that will download the files, but it includes the `ms...
When the release runs, it fails on the “Download artifact - <artifact name> (Azure Artifacts)” step (screenshot attached). The message states “Only NuGet packages types can be downloaded using this task.” We are under the impression that we should be able ...
CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Agent.Plugins.PipelineArtifact.DownloadPipelineArtifactTaskV1.ProcessCommandInternalAsync(AgentTaskPluginExecutionContext context, CancellationToken token) at Agent.PluginHost.Program.Main(String[] args) 2021-05-17T10:34:11.1874185Z ##[section]Finishing: Download Artifact ...
If you want to download that *.zip file to D:{agent_name}_work\1\a, which means an Artifact directory, please use the variable $( Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). If the file is removed after the pipeline completes, please also use Copy files task (https://d...
DownloadPipelineArtifact@1 DownloadPipelineArtifact@0 下载生成和管道项目。 下载安全文件 DownloadSecureFile@1 将安全文件下载到代理计算机。 提取文件 ExtractFiles@1 提取各种存档和压缩文件,例如.7z、.rar、.tar.gz和 .zip。 文件转换 FileTransform@2 FileTransform@1 将令牌替换为 XML 或 JSON 配置文件中的变...
"skipArtifactsDownload": false, "timeoutInMinutes": 0, "enableAccessToken": false }, "demands": [], "conditions": [], "modifiedOn": "2016-01-21T08:19:17.26Z", "workflowTasks": [ { "taskId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "version": "*", "name": "Deploy Website to...
-task:1ESLighthouseEng.PipelineArtifactCaching.RestoreAndSaveCacheV1.RestoreAndSaveCache@1inputs:keyfile:"yarn.lock"targetfolder:"node_modules"vstsFeed:"$(ArtifactFeed)"alias:"Packages"-script:|yarn installdisplayName:Install Dependenciescondition:ne(variables['CacheRestored-Packages'], 'true') ...
任务在管道中执行操作。 例如,任务可以生成应用、与 Azure 资源交互、安装工具或运行测试。 任务是用于在管道中定义自动化的构建基块。 本节中的文章介绍了 Azure Pipelines 的内置任务,并为每个任务具有特殊含义的属性指定语义。 有关任务支持的常规属性的详细信息,请参阅YAML 参考steps.task。