https://{endpoint}/documentintelligence/documentModels:build?api-version=2024-11-30 { "modelId": "string", "description": "string", "buildMode": "template", "azureBlobSource": { "containerUrl": "string", "prefix": "string" } } 支持...
Azure Document Intelligence is one of many Azure AI Services, cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) services with REST APIs and client library SDKs that can be used to build intelligence into your applications.Azure Document Intelligence uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities and ...
您建立的資源中的金鑰和端點,以將應用程式連線到 Azure Document Intelligence 服務。 部署資源之後,選取 [移至資源]。 在左側導覽功能表中,選取 [金鑰和端點]。 複製其中一個金鑰和 端點 ,以供本文稍後使用。 URL 位置的檔案檔案。 在本專案中,您可以使用下表中針對每個功能所提供的範例表單: 展開...
Microsoft Azure AI Document Intelligence is an automated data processing system that uses AI and OCR to quickly extract text and structure from documents. - Copy a custom model from a source Document Intelligence resource to a target Document Intelligence resource. - Manage the classifiers on your account. - Manage the models on your account.Additional...
AI-documentanalyse is een AI-service die geavanceerde machine learning toepast om tekst, sleutel-waardeparen, tabellen en structuren automatisch en nauwkeurig uit documenten te extraheren. Zet documenten om in bruikbare gegevens en verschuif je focus naar het reageren op informatie in plaa...
Its purpose is to provide solutions in different fields of AI (Artificial intelligence). It compresses AI by packing it into a compact size so that users can use them easily for their apps. The above template is an Azure example that reflexes the image of blob services in AI medium. By ...
Overview January February Overview Azure - Serverless Architecture with Azure Functions Cutting Edge - In-House Business Intelligence with Events and CQRS Azure - Inside the Azure App Service Architecture Data Points - First Look at Azure Search—a Handheld Walk-Through ...
Below are the features enabled by semantic search in Azure Cognitive Search. Before our public preview release, we tested many of these features on our own products, and the examples below show the dramatic improvements in results we achieved by applying AI at Scale techn...
Below are the features enabled by semantic search in Azure Cognitive Search. Before our public preview release, we tested many of these features on our own products, and the examples below show the dramatic improvements in results we achieved by applying AI at Scale technology. ...