下表包含可在配置文件中放置的所有节和选项名称。 将其相应环境变量设置为AZURE_{section}_{name}(全大写)。 例如,core的output默认值是在AZURE_CORE_OUTPUT变量中设置的,batchai的storage_account默认值是在AZURE_BATCHAI_STORAGE_ACCOUNT变量中设置的,默认location是在AZURE_DEFAULTS_LOCATION变量中设置的。
Azure defaults are set to FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN enabled, CREATE_INDEX disabled, and DROP_INDEX disabled.Configuring automatic tuning options on a server and inheriting settings for databases belonging to the parent server is the recommended method for configuring automatic tuning. It simplifies ...
Learn about file shares hosted in Azure Files using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, including features, security, and SMB Multichannel for premium file shares.
You can enable/disabled that in Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Properties -> Manage security defaults (link at the bottom of the page) -> Enable/Disable. If you disable it then the MFA will not be a default for all users and it will be controlled by the point 2 or 3 ...
If you see permissions in the MachineKeys directory that are different than the defaults, follow these steps to correct permissions, delete the certificate, and trigger the backup: Fix permissions on the MachineKeys directory. By using Explorer security properties and advanced security settings in the...
I have 2 PS, both members of Workgroup.On one PC I must perform a complete logon each time I try to access my Azure account, including e-mail verification.On...
azure_devops_disable_repos.sh - disables one or more given Azure DevOps repos (to prevent further pushes to them after migration to GitHub) circleci/*.sh - CircleCI scripts: circleci_api.sh - queries CircleCI's API with authentication circleci_project_set_env_vars.sh - adds / updates...
Settings at the database level can be used to override instance level defaults on an individual case.You can also encrypt the backups for added security, and you can set up a custom schedule to control when the backups are taken. For more information on the benefits of using Microsoft ...
Every build weekend 100+ team members get 200 errors for all the Azure Monitors but no one wants to manually disable / re-enable them. Any suggestions...
Security Insights Additional navigation options main 5Branches13Tags Code README Code of conduct MIT license Security Azure Sign Tool The below README is based on functionality inmainwhich may not be the same as the latest released version of AzureSignTool. For README information about released ve...