EnableAcceleratedNetworking Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Models Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network v24.0.0 Gets or sets if the network interface is configured for accelerated networki...
{"disableTcpStateTracking":false,"dnsSettings": {"dnsServers": [] },"enableAcceleratedNetworking":false,"enableIPForwarding":false,"ipConfigurations": [ {"name":"myvmsa53cIPConfig","properties": {"applicationGatewayBackendAddressPools": [ {"id":"/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx...
{ "disableBgpRoutePropagation": false, "routes": [ { "name": "fw", "properties": { "addressPrefix": "", "nextHopType": "VirtualAppliance", "nextHopIpAddress": "" } } ] } } ], "outputs": { "name": { "type": "string", "value": "[variables('firewall...
properties.disableTcpStateTracking boolean 指出是否要停用 tcp 狀態追蹤。 properties.dnsSettings NetworkInterfaceDnsSettings 網路介面中的 DNS 設定。 properties.dscpConfiguration SubResource 網路介面所連結之 dscp 組態的參考。 properties.enableAcceleratedNetworking boolean 如果網路介面已設定為加速網路...
Accelerated networking enables single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) to a VM, which may lead to improved networking performance. For more details, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-network/accelerated-networking-overview. endpointConfiguration PoolEndpointConfiguration The configuration ...
properties.disableTcpStateTracking boolean Specifies whether the network interface is disabled for tcp state tracking. properties.dnsSettings VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkConfigurationDnsSettings The dns settings to be applied on the network interfaces. properties.enableAcceleratedNetworking boolean Specifi...
[], "internalDnsNameLabel": null, "internalDomainNameSuffix": "gllzkplk2sxe5i0l1ccksytfab.jx.internal.cloudapp.net", "internalFqdn": null }, "enableAcceleratedNetworking": false, "enableIpForwarding": false, "etag": "W/\"ee0a0b41-42f6-4ac2-91c2-xx...
To disable accelerated networking for the Cisco CSR 1000v, you can create or modify a vNIC using the az network nic command and the --accelerated-networking option. For more information about the command, see the Microsoft Azure documentation for the az network ...
Azure SQL DB In-Memory OLTP transaction performance improved 1.5X. Also with this preview, DS15v2 and D15v2 VM sizes provide up to 25Gbps of network throughput. More details on regional availability and a link to sign up for the preview are available atAccelerated Networking for a virtual ...
Azure SQL DB In-Memory OLTP transaction performance improved 1.5X. Also with this preview, DS15v2 and D15v2 VM sizes provide up to 25Gbps of network throughput. More details on regional availability and a link to sign up for the preview are available atAccelerated Networking for a virtual ...