使用Azure DevOps,为了设置策略并强制开发人员创建 pull 请求,目标分支(即开发分支)应该配置以下分支策略: 图18.3 -分支策略 目标分支上的任何策略需求都应该在更新分支时强制使用 pull 请求。 一旦策略验证令人满意(即满足所有必需的策略),代码就可以合并到开发分支。 Azure DevOps 允许在完成期间选择合并策略。 这个...
Quality is not something that can be easily added later. Problems that are too complex, too obscure, or are discovered too late in the product cycle are usually not fixed, the Code Analysis feature of Visual Studio performs static code analysis on code to help developers identify potential desi...
GitHub | Bitbucket | Azure DevOps | GitLab Try SonarQube Cloud for free Increase the Value of Your Software reduce technical debt with Clean Code in each release Learn more Quality Gates show your project Releasability Out of the box, the Sonar Quality Gate clearly signals whether your commit...
In the context of Azure DevOps, the term technical debt represents suboptimal means of reaching tactical goals, which negatively affects the ability to achieve strategic objectives in software development and deployment. Technical debt affects productivity by making code hard to understand, prone to ...
使用Azure DevOps 配置持续集成管道。 对Terraform 代码运行静态代码分析。 运行terraform validate以验证本地计算机上的 Terraform 配置文件。 运行terraform plan,从远程服务的角度验证 Terraform 配置文件。 使用Azure 管道自动进行持续集成。 1.配置环境 Azure 订阅:如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前创建一个免费帐户。
Discover GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps, an application security testing tool with powerful static analysis, secret scanning, dependency scanning and more.
but the results are not stored in the SonarQube database. The analysis is performed only on changed code. The SonarQube build tasks will then add comments to the pull request for new static analysis issues, with respect to the Continuous Integration (CI) build, as another member of the tea...
SonarQubePublish@4 Publish SonarQube Server's Quality Gate result on the Azure DevOps build result, to be used after the actual analysis. Run Code AnalysisSonarQubeAnalyze@7SonarQubeAnalyze@6SonarQubeAnalyze@5SonarQubeAnalyze@4 Run scanner and upload the results to the SonarQube Server. Visual ...
Call into Azure DevOps To reach a decision, your check may need information about the current pipeline run that can't be passed to the check, so the check needs to retrieve it. Imagine your check verifies that a pipeline run executed a particular task, for example a static analysis task....
Microsoft.DevCenterdevcenters devcenters Microsoft.DevicesIotHubs provisioningServices IotHubs provisioningServices Microsoft.DevOpsInfrastructurepools pools Microsoft.DigitalTwinsdigitalTwinsInstances digitalTwinsInstances Microsoft.DocumentDBcassandraClusters DatabaseAccounts ...