{ "id": 5, "releaseId": 0, "name": "Dev", "status": "succeeded", "variables": {}, "preDeployApprovals": [], "postDeployApprovals": [], "preApprovalsSnapshot": { "approvals": [], "approvalOptions": { "requiredApproverCount": 0, "releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": true } }, "...
Nuget WebHooks 接收器包支持从 Azure DevOps 接收 Webhook。生成和发布生成完毕事件:生成完成。发布者 ID: azure-devops 事件ID: build.complete 资源名称: build设置definitionName:筛选事件以仅包含指定管道的已完成生成 buildStatus:筛选事件以仅包含指定完成状态的已完成生成 有效值: Succeeded PartiallySucceeded...
Azure DevOps 用户 Azure DevOps 组织所有者 Azure DevOps 安全组的成员 Azure DevOps 服务帐户 Azure DevOps 服务主体每个资源系列(例如工作项或 Git 存储库)都通过唯一的命名空间进行保护。 每个安全命名空间包含零个或多个 ACL。 ACL 包括令牌、继承标志和一组零个或多个访问控制项(ACE)。 每个 ACE 都包含...
{ "id": 1, "releaseId": 0, "name": "Dev", "status": "succeeded", "variables": {}, "preDeployApprovals": [], "postDeployApprovals": [], "preApprovalsSnapshot": { "approvals": [], "approvalOptions": { "requiredApproverCount": 0, "releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": true } }, "...
{ "id": 1, "releaseId": 0, "name": "Dev", "status": "succeeded", "variables": {}, "preDeployApprovals": [], "postDeployApprovals": [], "preApprovalsSnapshot": { "approvals": [], "approvalOptions": { "requiredApproverCount": 0, "releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": true } }, "...
Can change the trace settings for gathering more detailed diagnostic information about Azure DevOps Web services. Create new projects (formerly Create new team projects) Collection, CREATE_PROJECTS Can add a project to an organization or project collection. More permissions may be required depending on...
"minRequiredApprovers": 2, "blockedApprovers": [ { "displayName": null, "id": "d651e716-a205-4b37-a803-e373df09fea6" } ], "_links": {} }, "projectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "pipeline": null, "stage": null, "run": null, "resource":...
Reduce the time required on Azure migration readiness by taking the complexity out of the different architectures, methodologies and prerequisite work. Pre-empt support incidents, service outages and project delays by detailing a clear phase-by-phase migration journey with FastTrack for Azure best pract...
Required reviewers (manual approvers) Wait time before deployments start Environment specific secrets How Do I Do This? First, make sure you are part of the public beta (starting Dec 15th). Once in, go to your settings, and you’ll see a newEnvironmentstab. Go ahead and click onNew...
Many times, a single repository will contain code that’s built by multiple continuous integration (CI) pipelines to validate the build and run tests. The integrated build policy now supports a path filtering option that makes it easy to configure multiple PR builds that can be required and aut...