發行的功能時程表會列出傳遞至 Azure DevOps Services 的重要功能,以及對應的 Azure DevOps Server 版本。 [伺服器] 資料行中的版本會連結至適當的下載位置。您也可以 檢視每個版本的組建編號。 斜體中的版本計劃未來且可能會變更。展開資料表 服務更新功能區域伺服器 2024年5月2日 使用通配符前置詞和子字串改善...
Azure DevOps Services許可權會授與存取權,以在特定資源上執行特定動作,如 開始使用許可權、存取權和安全組中所述。 您可以透過入口網站管理大部分的許可權。 不過,您可以使用命令行工具或 REST API 來管理許可權。Azure DevOps 預設會將許多許可權授與預設安全組的成員。 您可以使用 az devops security permissio...
Customers need to restart tfsjobagent service and Azure DevOps Server application pool after updating SMTP-related setting in the Azure DevOps Server Management Console. Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2 Patch 4 Release Date: December 13, 2022 We have released a patch for Azure DevOps Server...
In the delivery phase, DevOps teams: Define a release management process with clear manual approval stages. Set automated gates to move applications between stages until final release to customers. Automate delivery processes to make them scalable, repeatable, controlled, andwell-tested. ...
As more and more teams adopt Release management, and as their usage increases, we have been getting requests to make it simpler to manage multiple release definitions. If you are deploying several tens of applications using a similar release process, then, at present, you have to replicate the...
This post was inspired byAzure/Azure-Api-Management-DevOps-Resource-Kitand targets the How-To process vs the semantics of the problem and the proposed solution, which are very well defined in the Resource Kit GitHub page as well as providing release builds and so...
TF402577:字段 [refName] 指定已在进程 [processNames] 中的字段 [refName] 使用的友好名称 [friendlyName]。对于导入到 Azure DevOps Services 的所有进程指定的所有 WIT 定义,友好名称必须是唯一的。命名进程包含定义使用友好名称的字段的 WIT。修改包含 [refName] 的进程 zip 文件中的WIT 定义,并指定其他友好...
In the current release management service, you can only deploy components from a VSO hosted build to an Azure cloud service. We are working on helping you release to an on-premise environment from VSO. The experience will be similar to how you set up an on-premise build agent pool configur...
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