SonarQubePublish@4 在Azure DevOps 生成结果上发布 SonarQube Server 的质量门结果,在实际分析后使用。 运行代码分析 SonarQubeAnalyze@7 SonarQubeAnalyze@6 SonarQubeAnalyze@5 SonarQubeAnalyze@4 运行扫描程序并将结果上传到 SonarQube 服务器。 Visual Studio 生成 VSBuild@1 使用MSBuild 生成并设置 Visual Stud...
在安装过程中,npm 默认首先检查此目录中是否存在模块,这可以减少或消除对公共 npm 注册表或专用注册表的网络调用。由于npm 共享缓存目录的默认路径在所有平台上各不相同,因此建议将 npm_config_cache 环境变量改为 $(Pipeline.Workspace) 下面的某个固定路径。 这还可以确保从容器和非容器作业都能访问缓存。
从Azure DevOps Server 2019.1 开始,引入了 YAML 管道编辑器,该编辑器提供 intellisense 类型功能。 YAML 管道编辑器使用Yamlschema - GetREST API 在编辑器中检索用于验证的架构。 如果任务输入具有别名,则架构会将别名提升为任务输入的主 YAML 名称,并且该别名由 intellisense 建议。
Azure DevOps Server 2019 或 Team Foundation Server 2015 或更新版本支援直接升級至 Azure DevOps Server 2020。 如果您的 TFS 部署位於 TFS 2010 或更早版本上,您必須先執行一些過渡步驟,再升級至 Azure DevOps Server 2019。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 安裝和設定 Azure DevOps 內部部署。
Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 0.2 Patch 2 Release Date: June 13, 2023 We have released a patch for Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 0.2 that includes fixes for the following. Fixed a bug that interfered with pushing packages when upgrading from 2018 or earlier. Azure DevOps Server 2020 Up...
Leverage open-source software on Azure to drive innovation and collaboration with services to build, deploy, and manage your open-source applications.
The task is designed to only cache artifacts that are produced within the build's root directory. This works best for packages that follow this convention (e.g. NPM and NuGet), but not for artifacts that are produced outside of the repo's directory (e.g. Maven). ...
I’m experiencing an issue where the npm packages being pulled down from Azure Artifacts is defaulting to using SHA1 integrity checksum rather than SHA512 in the package-lock.json file?? The versions of Node.js and npm I am using are: node: v13.11.0 npm: 6.14.3 In contrary, when I...
Explore Azure for gaming partner solutions Unreal Engine Unreal Engine is an advanced, real-time 3D creation tool for photoreal visuals and immersive experiences. Perforce Helix Core The AAA versioning standard is the only one that scales to meet the needs of game creation. ...