可以使用 az boards work-item relation 命令添加、删除和显示指向工作项的链接的详细信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure DevOps CLI 入门。 链接类型包括工作链接类型、远程链接类型、超链接和附加文件。 对于可指定的所有链接类型的列表,请运行 az boards work-item relation list-type 命令。 Azure CLI 复制 az...
I am pulling the workitem data from Azure DevOps from a specific project. That projects has some workitem links which has workitem links outside the projects (workitem link from other project in same organization) I tried to use below Odata query, however it seems it only pulls links from...
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019Work item links are associations between two work items, or a work item and another object, that describe their relationship. You can use work item links to track dependencies and related work for traceability, share ...
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 Work item links are associations between two work items or a work item and another object. Links describe the relationship between objects. You can use work item links to track dependencies and related work for traceab...
All links defined with this link type are also removed. exportlinktype: Exports the definitions of link types. You can export the definition of a single link type or all link types defined for the server. importlinktype: Imports the definitions of link types from an XML file. If a link ...
How do modifications to work item types affect existing work items? Import and export work item type definition files Add or modify a work item type Show 10 more Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019Your project contains a number of work item types, based on the process...
To customize the resolution types, bug work item type, and failure types used when working with Azure Test Plans, you can use the following tcm command. This command is only available for Azure DevOps Server on-premises versions. tcm fieldmapping: Import or export a file that defines the re...
exportwitd: Exports the definition of a work item type to an XML file, or to the Command Prompt window. importwitd: Imports work item types from an XML definition file into a project. If a work item type with the same name already exists, the new work item type definition overwrites ...
查看所有元素语句的WorkItems.xml插件文件 LINKTYPE。 删除与自定义链接类型关联的语句,以免超过允许的限制。然后,从 LinkTypes 文件夹中删除相应的链接类型定义文件。此外,请删除对已添加到节下LinksControlOptions某个节中的 FORM WIT 定义的自定义链接类型的任何引用。
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