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Agents & pools About agents & agent pools Managed DevOps pools Agent version 4.x Agent version 3.x Create & manage agent pools Historical graph for agent pools Microsoft-hosted agents Self-hosted Linux agents Self-hosted macOS agents Self-hosted Windows agents ...
Use Azure-hosted agents and add their IP address ranges to an allowlist in the firewall settings of the targeted Azure services. Use Azure-hosted agents (as VPN clients) and VPN Gateway. Each of these choices has pros and cons. The following table compares Azure-hosted agents with self-hos...
Microsoft-hosted agents can work in hybrid-networking environments, granting access for the IP ranges. To download the IP ranges that these agents grant access to, see Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud. Self-hosted agents. This option gives you dedicated resources and more ...
托管DevOps 池 代理版本 4.x 代理版本 3.x 创建和管理代理池 代理池的历史图 Microsoft 托管代理 Self-hosted Linux agents(自托管 Linux 代理) Self-hosted macOS agents(自托管 macOS 代理) Self-hosted Windows agents(自托管 Windows 代理) 规模集代理 在Web 代理后运行代理 在Docker 中运行代理 代理注册选...
Running a self-hosted agent in Docker https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/docker?view=azure-devops 這是需要Docker支持的技術,如果agent可以在各個容器裡隔離開來,並且各自擁有可依賴的環境docker image後,如需要對.Net Core項目進行CI 可以準備一個docker file裏頭預先裝好.net ...
For whitelisting Hosted Agents -https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/hosted?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml#agent-ip-ranges Hope this helps. souravmishra-msftclosed this ascompletedSep 27, 2019 I'm facing this issue as well and it's clear as mud as to which IPs ...
A self-hosted agent is an agent that you set up and manage on your own to run jobs. You can use self-hosted agents in Azure Pipelines or Git Hub Actions. Self-hosted agents give you more control to install dependent software needed for your builds and deplo...
https://github.com/seilorjunior/keda-agents-azure-devops/blob/master/keda-azure-devops-en-us.md Introdução Por padrão temos no Azure Devops a opção de escalar os agents por Azure Virtual machine scale sets vm-scale-set, porém, temos a opção de utilizar o KEDA para esc...
Azure VNET based point-to-site service can be used to connect one on-premise DB to an Azure-hosted application. This is valid where there are limited resources to be connected via VPN. In case of more resources for connection, site-to-site VPN or express routes are the solutions. Site-...