敏捷式方法比關鍵路徑管理更有利於最低可行產品 (MVP)。 藉由使用 MVP,您可以藉由將 Epic、Feature、User Story 和 Task 工作專案類型設定為優先順序,以識別最短的路徑和相依性。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 敏捷式專案 的重要路徑,以及在 Azure DevOps 上執行精簡啟動。最佳做法秘訣:...
默認工作項目類型為:Epic、Feature、User Story 和 Bug。 若要修改設定,請參閱 相依性追蹤器的設定。 狀態:檢查您要檢視之工作項目狀態的一或多個複選框。 下拉式清單應該包含針對所選檢視中顯示的所有工作項目類型所定義的所有工作流程狀態。 反覆專案:檢查您要檢視之反覆項目路徑的一或多個複選框。 下拉式清單...
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort, Data type=Double Product Backlog Item, Bug 4 (Scrum) Feature, Epic Story Points A subjective unit of measure that captures the size of a user story. If you assign more points to a user story, you indicate that more work is required to imp...
範例包括 Microsoft.EpicCategory、、 Microsoft.RequirementCategoryMicrosoft.FeatureCategory、 Microsoft.TaskCategory。 待辦專案名稱 BacklogName 布林值 指派給與工作專案類型相關聯待辦專案的參考名稱 待辦專案類型 BacklogType GUID 建立反覆運算路徑時,指派給反覆運算路徑的唯一識別碼。 待辦專案層級 BacklogLe...
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019Rollup provides support to show a count of work items or sum of Story Points, Remaining Work, or other custom field of child items. This article provides several examples of how to generate a tabular rollup report ...
<Property name="WorkItemTypeIcons" value="Epic=Icon_Crown,Feature=Icon_Trophy, User Story=icon_book,Task=icon_clipboard,Bug=icon_insect, Issue=icon_traffic_cone,Test Plan=icon_test_plan,Test Suite=icon_test_suite, Test Case=icon_test_beaker,Shared Steps=icon_test_step,Shared Parameter=icon_...
<Property name="WorkItemTypeIcons" value="Epic=Icon_Crown,Feature=Icon_Trophy, User Story=icon_book,Task=icon_clipboard,Bug=icon_insect, Issue=icon_traffic_cone,Test Plan=icon_test_plan,Test Suite=icon_test_suite, Test Case=icon_test_beaker,Shared Steps=icon_test_step,Shared Parameter=icon_...
(Story Points are used for User Stories, Business Value used for things like Feature and Epic, Original Estimate value used for Tasks etc..). Also supported are printing Tags, which was something we really can use as Tags are leveraged on Work Items here. You can also multi-select work ...
<WORKITEMTYPE name="User Story" refname="MyCompany.UserStory"> TF402582:工作项类型 [witName] 包含不支持的自定义控件 [controlName]。Azure DevOps Services 不支持自定义控件。 FORM查看命名 WIT 的部分,并删除已定义的任何自定义控件。错误示例Type...