Azure Pipeline 是一个强大的 DevOps 工具,可以帮助您在 Azure 和 GitHub 上管理应用程序的构建、测试和部署。而将应用程序部署到 AWS EC2 更是可以为您提供高度可扩展和可靠的云服务。本文将对 Azure Pipeline 部署到 AWS EC2 的过程进行简要解读和分析。 确保AWS 账户已开通 AWS EC2 服务 首先,需要确保您的 ...
Display name:“Push Image To AWS ECR” AWS Credentials:“CnBateBlogWeb_ServiceConnection” AWS Region 选择:“Asia Pacific(Tokyo)[ap-northeast-1]” Source Image Name:“$(image_name)/cnbateblogweb” Source Image Tag:"$(Build.BuildId)" Target Repository Name:“cnbateblogweb”(注意,这个名称必须...
How to federate into AWS from Azure DevOps using OpenID Connect Use Azure DevOps to deploy AWS Glue jobs in CI/CD pipeline Using Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate to automate Azure DevOps Hosted Agents Using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to Manage Azure Pipelines Agent Capacity ...
开始使用 Azure 案例研究 案例研究 案例研究 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
Get started with Azure Back to customer stories section Get the Azure mobile app Explore Azure What is Azure? Get started with Azure Global infrastructure Datacenter regions Trust your cloud Azure Essentials Customer stories Products and pricing ...
首先肯定的是,我們必須先依賴Azure DevOps 進行應用程式構建 docker images 。並且將 dockre image 推送到 AWS ECR(完全託管的容器登錄檔) 二,正文 1,建立AWS ECR 容器登錄檔 登陸到AWS 控制檯後,搜尋 ECR,在東京區 “ap-northeast-1” 建立私有映象倉庫 ...
Deploys an application to Amazon EC2 instances by using AWS CodeDeploy. Description This can be a variety of application content, such as code, web and configuration files, executable files, packages, scripts, and multimedia files. Parameters You can set the following parameters for the task....
AWS customers using Azure DevOps (referred to as ADO from here onward) for their CI/CD pipelines can use self-hosted agents to build, test, and deploy AWS applications. Self-hosted agents provide more control and customization. With self-hosted Azure Pipelines static agents on A...
AWS MarketplaceAzure MarketplaceEasy-to-deploy and automatically configured third-party applications, including single virtual machine or multiple virtual machine solutions. Both marketplaces also offer the ability purchase SaaS products. Many of these offers are eligible to count toward your consumption ...
面向AWS 专业人员的 Azure (#b5fa90dbb7) 云应用程序的最佳做法 (#f84f30f537) 云设计模式(#f84f30f537) 使用计算机视觉和 Azure 机器学习(#c847f992d4)分析视频内容 Azure Databricks 上的Spark 模型的批量评分(#64c84cbd5c) 自然语言处理技术(#83ee95d21f) 通过网关(#7e1271e2c7)向 Azure OpenAI ...