picklistInteger 定義成包含整數值的挑選清單的自定義欄位。picklistString 定義成包含簡短文字字串 (255 個字元或更少) 值的挑選清單的自定義欄位。字串 或文字欄位 (單行) 最多可以包含 255 個 Unicode 字元的簡短文字字串。 字串文字欄位通常用於支援選擇清單或下拉功能表。TreePath 分支樹狀結構,例如...
VersionControlChangeType VersionControlRecursionType GitServiceIds 可從DevOps.getService 取得的 Azure Pipelines 服務貢獻識別碼 GraphTraversalDirection FrameworkIdentityType GroupScopeType QueryMembership ReadIdentitiesOptions IdentityServiceIds 可從DevOps.getService 取得的身分識別服務貢獻標識碼 Inherit...
AuditLog.StreamModified 已修改 {ConsumerType:consumerType} 以將稽核數據傳送至 {displayName} 的數據流。 AuditLog.StreamRead 存取的稽核數據流。 AuditLog.TestStream {ResolveIdentity:ActorId} 從 Azure DevOps 中的 {OrganizationName} 起始了 {StreamConsumerType} 串流連線測試。計費...
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 本文介绍每个字段数据类型、查询运算符和查询宏。 某些数据类型、运算符和宏仅对指定的 Azure DevOps 版本有效。 有关详细信息,请参阅查询快速参考以及管理和组织查询。
Azure DevOps Services 将每个组织限制为每个组织 1,000 个项目,比之前的 300 个项目限制增加。备注 超过300 个项目,某些体验(如从 Visual Studio 连接到项目)可能会降级。 对于本地 Azure DevOps Server,没有硬性限制,但性能问题可能会出现,因为项目数接近 300。 迁移到 Azure DevOps Services 时,观察最大...
Do not customize the pick list for these fields. The system accepts only those values listed. Fields that integrate with Team Foundation Build Team Foundation Build is the on-premises build system you can use with Azure DevOps Server. You can configure your build process by using Team Foundatio...
Do not customize the pick list for these fields. The system accepts only those values listed. Fields that integrate with Team Foundation Build Team Foundation Build is the on-premises build system you can use with Azure DevOps Server. You can configure your build process by using Team Foundatio...
Microsoft DevLabs was created as a hub for internal teams at Microsoft to channel their passion for Azure DevOps into experimental extensions.
For Azure DevOps Services or for project collections that use the Inherited process model, seeAdd a custom field to a work item type. You can modify an existing field or add a custom field to support tracking additional data requirements. For example, you can customize the pick list within ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ # Notation sign task for Azure DevOps pipeline This document walks you through how to create an Azure pipeline to achieve the following goals: 1. Build a container image and push it to Azure Container Registry ...