事件:組建完成。發行者識別碼: azure-devops 事件識別碼: build.complete 資源名稱: build設定definitionName:篩選事件,只包含指定管線已完成的組建 buildStatus:篩選事件,只包含指定完成狀態的已完成組建 有效值: Succeeded PartiallySucceeded Failed Stopped範例承載JSON 複製 ...
//dev.azure.com/[REDACTED]/", "isReadOnly": true }, "system.taskDefinitionsUri": { "value": "https://dev.azure.com/[REDACTED]/", "isReadOnly": true }, "system.pipelineStartTime": { "value": "2023-03-22 11:59:53+01:00", "isReadOnly": true }, "system.teamProject": { ...
Specifies the name of the build that incorporates the code that fixes the bug. This field should be specified when you resolve the bug. For on-premises Azure DevOps, to access a dropdown menu of all builds that have run, you can update the FIELD definitions for Found in Build and Integr...
Product build number, also known as a revision, in which a bug was found. Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Build.FoundIn, Data type=String Note You can also use the Found in build link type to link a work item to a build. This link type is available from Azure DevOps and only works wi...
Nuget WebHooks 接收器包支持从 Azure DevOps 接收 Webhook。生成和发布生成完毕事件:生成完成。发布者 ID: azure-devops 事件ID: build.complete 资源名称: build设置definitionName:筛选事件以仅包含指定管道的已完成生成 buildStatus:筛选事件以仅包含指定完成状态的已完成生成 有效值: Succeeded PartiallySucceeded...
Action Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps has a limited set of scopes which control what resources can be accessed by the action and what operations the action is allowed to perform on those resources. Scopes: vso.agentpools_manage vso.build_execute vso.chat_manage vso.code_manage vso.cod...
R8 is the new Android code shrinker. If you experience any issues, please file a bug at https://issuetracker.google.com, using 'Shrinker (R8)' as component name. You can disable R8 by updating gradle.properties with 'android.enableR8=false'. ...
Task name PowerShell Task version 1.x Environment type (Please select at least one enviroment where you face this issue) Self-Hosted Microsoft Hosted VMSS Pool Container Azure DevOps Server type dev.azure.com (formerly visualstudio.com) ...
System Information With every bug, task and test case filed, “System information” about the browser and machine is added. It captures browser, OS, memory and display information. This helps developer know the config of machine, display properties and OS info to debug issues. This additional ...
Field: Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.SystemInfo Name: System Info Type: Html Reportable As: None Use: Arroyo (Bug), Desert (Bug), Palm (Bug), Springs (Bug, Code Defect) Indexed: False Before you can delete this field, you must remove it from each of the work item types listed for each project...