Azure DevOps是微软推出的一套包含项目管理、代码托管、持续集成等功能的综合工具,具有易用性强、功能全面等特点。而Jira则是Atlassian公司推出的项目管理软件,具有灵活性强、可定制性高等特点。 在实际的软件开发过程中,往往会同时使用Azure DevOps和Jira两种工具来管理项目。为了提高团队间的协作和协同工作效率,将这两...
因此,支持敏捷工作方式的在线工具比以往任何时候都重要,尤其是管理工作交付的工具。在企业中最流行的两个工具是Atlassian的Jira和微软的Azure DevOps,但也有许多具有不同特性的其他轻量级的替代工具。无论你选择什么工具来支持团队的敏捷工作方式,重要的是要记住,让你敏捷的不是工具,而是你的行为、文化和心态。你...
Jira Benefits Some of the ways that organizations can benefit by choosing to deploy Jira include: DevOps lifecycle visibility and planning.Jira provides application developers with tools that enable them to track and visualize where they are in the development process. This means that a DevOps team...
在企业中最流行的两个工具是Atlassian的Jira和微软的Azure DevOps,但也有许多具有不同特性的其他轻量级的替代工具。 无论你选择什么工具来支持团队的敏捷工作方式,重要的是要记住,让你敏捷的不是工具,而是你的行为、文化和心态。你仍然可以坚持以前的工作方式,例如,在使用Jira或Azure DevOps的同时,分解和管理用瀑布...
This workflow activates when a new request emerges in Jira Service Management, swiftly creating a work item in Azure DevOps. Streamline your team's collaboration by seamlessly linking these two powerful tools, ensuring consistent updates and comprehensive ...
Using Azure DevOps and Jira together Users also have the option ofintegratingAzure Pipelines and Jira to provide more visibility into the entire development lifecycle. By combining the two, IT teams can move between systems to better understand and track software releases. Both platforms ...
因此,支持敏捷工作方式的在线工具比以往任何时候都重要,尤其是管理工作交付的工具。在企业中最流行的两个工具是Atlassian的Jira和微软的Azure DevOps,但也有许多具有不同特性的其他轻量级的替代工具。 无论你选择什么工具来支持团队的敏捷工作方式,重要的是要记住,让你敏捷的不是工具,而是你的行为、文化和思维模式。你...
How to Set up a Jira Azure DevOps Integration? Common Use Cases for a Jira Azure DevOps Integration Best practices for Azure DevOps Jira integration What is Jira? Jiraalso has the ability to manage projects and track problems. Developers like it, and agile methodology-using teams find it to...
breaks. Migrate your data in small, manageable chunks to make sure everything is working. Finally, keep in mind that some information cannot be migrated or integrated without being changed; Azure DevOps and Jira are two different ALM solutions, and some features can’t be translated between ...
这是因为某种认证方式下一旦有了除admin/anonymous之外的用户存在。则不能修改认证方式了。 要想修改就...