請傳送 POST 要求至https://{RESOURCE_NAME}.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/{DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview,其中 RESOURCE_NAME 是您 Azure OpenAI 資源的名稱 DEPLOYMENT_NAME 是包含視覺功能的 GPT-4 Turbo 模型的部署名稱 ...
Subscription and service limits Resource name rules Resource Manager and classic deployment Resource providers by service Control plane and data plane Extension resource types Resource instance limit Security How to Reference Resources Download PDF Learn...
Subscription and service limits Resource name rules Resource Manager and classic deployment Resource providers by service Control plane and data plane Extension resource types Resource instance limit Security How to Reference Resources Download PDF Learn...
Specified the community gallery image unique id for vm deployment. This can be fetched from community gallery image GET call. exactVersion string Specifies in decimal numbers, the version of platform image or marketplace image used to create the virtual machine. This readonly field differs from...
endpoint path Yes 字串URL 支援的 Azure OpenAI 端點 (通訊協定和主機名稱,例如:https://aoairesource.openai.azure.com。請將 "aoairesource" 取代為 Azure OpenAI 資源名稱)。 https://{your-resource-name}.openai.azure.com deployment-id path Yes 字串 api-version 查詢 Yes 字串 API 版本要求...
Enabling inter-node communication limits the maximum size of the Pool due to deployment restrictions on the Compute Nodes of the Pool. This may result in the Pool not reaching its desired size. The default value is false. metadata MetadataItem[] A list of name-value pairs associated with ...
[Update: Oct 12, 2022] We’re excited to announce that the preview of Azure Deployment Environments is now available to the public. Azure Deployment Environments is a managed service that enables dev ...
\n deployment.yaml\n service.yaml\n\n\n\nkubectl get svc\nNAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE\nfrontend LoadBalancer 80:30031/TCP 3d1h\nkubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 4d16h\n\n\n...
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=some-namespace How to create a resource quota? kubectl create quota some-quota --hard-cpu=2,pods=2 How to create a deployment? cat << EOF | kubectl create -f - > apiVersion: v1 > kind: Pod > metadata: > name: nginx > spec: ...
VLAN Name VLAN ID Management 125 Tenant 100 Storage-A 107 Storage-B 207 Note: L3 ToR switch needs the ip helper address configured for the IP subnet assigned to the VLAN that will be used to PXE boot the Azure Stack HCI host during the deployment process....