Microsoft Defender for Azure Cosmos DB5$- StorageMicrosoft Defender for Storage1$-6 For existing customers using Defender for Storage (classic) per-transaction pricing, please refer to the Defender for Cloud portal. Malware Scanning7 (add-on to Defender for Storage)$-/GB of data scanned ...
Microsoft Defender for Azure Cosmos DB5 $0.8760 (100 RU/S/時間あたり) ストレージ Microsoft Defender for Storage1 ストレージ アカウント 1 か月あたり $106 Defender for Storage (クラシック) のトランザクション単位の価格を使用している既存のお客様については、Defender for Cloud ポ...
{ "pricingTier": "Standard", "subPlan": "DefenderForStorageV2", "freeTrialRemainingTime": "PT0S", "enablementTime": "2023-03-01T12:42:42.1921106Z", "enforce": "False", "resourcesCoverageStatus": "FullyCovered", "extensions": [ { "name": "OnUploadMalwareScanning", "isEnabled": "...
建议在订阅级别启用 Defender for Storage。 这样做可确保订阅中当前的所有存储帐户都受到保护。 在订阅级别启用 Defender for Storage 后创建的存储帐户将在创建后最多 24 小时内受到保护。 提示 你始终可以使用不同于在订阅级别配置的设置的自定义配置来配置特定存储帐户(替代订...
Defender for Storage 数据扫描程序 授予读取 blob 和更新索引标记所需的访问权限。 此角色由 Defender for Storage 的数据扫描程序使用。 1e7ca9b1-60d1-4db8-a914-f2ca1ff27c40 弹性SAN 网路管理员 允許存取以在 SAN 資源上建立專用端點以及讀取 SAN 資源 fa6cecf6-5db3-4c43-8470-c540bcb4eafa 弹性SAN...
常见问题解答 关于Azure 定价的常见问题解答
微软强化储存服务Azure Storage的安全性,在中,加入多项新功能,防止潜在恶意软件上传,并监控帐户中钓鱼活动,同时还会监控可疑IP存取用户的储存帐户。Azure Defender for Storage改进了威胁侦测功能,现在可以侦测恶意软件和恶意内容,微软提到,被广泛用来发送数据的储存帐户一旦感染恶意程序,就可能会散布给其他用户和资源...
The Azure Storage client libraries for .NET offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Storage. For more information about Azure Storage, see Introduction to Azure Storage. Libraries for data access The latest version of the Azure Storage client library for data access is version 12....
I want to display Defender coverage in custom application like following image:: Please help? azure monitor CliveWatson Jul 30, 2021 Anil_Guliyaan There is a query from the "Inventory Blade" in ASC, you can amend it (I made a start below on a recent project)...
Security Security Center Security Defender for Cloud Security Network Security Group Networking Network Security Group Added the following icons CategoryIconStatus AI Applied AI Service New AI Health Decision Support New AI Virtual Visits Builder New Application Container App Environment New Application Event...