accounts aadTokenLogin 用户通过 Microsoft Entra ID 令牌登录到 Databricks。 - user accounts accountInHouseOAuthClientAuthentication OAuth 客户端已经过身份验证。 - endpoint accounts activateUser 管理员将用户从 Azure 门户添加到 Databricks 帐户。 - warehouse- targetUserName- targetUserId accounts add 用户已添...
azure.mgmt.databricks._serialization.Model PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties 建構函式 Python 複製 PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties(*, private_link_service_connection_state: _models.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState, private_endpoint: _models.PrivateEndpoint | None = None, group_ids: Li...
Cmdlets.Databricks Assembly: Az.Databricks.private.dll List private endpoint connections of the workspace C# 复制 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task PrivateEndpointConnectionsList (string resourceGroupName, string workspaceName, string subscriptionId, Func<System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMe...
步骤2:配置网络和private endpoint 后面把所有databricks的子网都加进去来 步骤3:创建数据库用于存储hive metadata 配置数据库:我这是测试,创建一个简单的即可 排序规则要注意:如果你有中文comment、视图中有中文,这里不要用默认的,建议选择Chinese_PRC_CI_AS,可以防止中文乱码,比如开头说的视图乱码问题导致无法查询出...
- If an error occurs while reading the AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource. query public Object query() Get the query property: Azure Databricks Delta Lake Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the query
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The endpoint configuration for a Pool. PublicIPAddressConfiguration The public IP Address configuration of the networking configuration of a Pool. ResourceFile A single file or multiple files to be downloaded to a Compute Node. RollingUpgradePolicy The configuration parameters used while performing ...
Microsoft.Databricks N/A workspaces Microsoft.DataFactory datafactoriesfactories factories Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics accounts accounts Microsoft.DataLakeStore accounts accounts Microsoft.DataProtection BackupVaults BackupVaults Microsoft.DataShare accounts accounts Microsoft.DBforMariaDB servers servers Microsoft.DBfo...
{ "LS_AzureDatabricks": [ { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.existingClusterId", "value": "$($Env:DatabricksClusterId)", "action": "add" }, { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.encryptedCredential", "value": "", "action": "remove" } ], "LS_AzureKeyVault": [ { "name"...
Azure Databricks Clusters and the Azure Databricks Control Plane Services could potentially impact the performances and the latency of the queries. Especially if your firewall is particularly slow, it’s better to consider a private link or whitelisting the communication ...