databrickssql deleteQuery 用户通过查询界面或 API 删除查询。 通过文件浏览器 UI 排除删除项。 - queryId databrickssql deleteQueryDraft 用户删除查询草稿。 - queryId databrickssql deleteQuerySnippet 用户删除查询片段。 - querySnippetId databrickssql deleteVisualization 用户从 SQL 编辑器的查询中删除可视化效果...
databricks secrets delete-secret <scope-name> <key-name> 还可以使用机密API。若要从 Azure Key Vault 支持的范围中删除机密,请使用 Azure SetSecret REST API 或 Azure 门户 UI。管理机密范围权限默认情况下,创建机密范围的用户被授予 MANAGE 权限。 这样,范围创建者就可以读取作用域中的机密、将机密写入范围,...
--oauth不适用于 Azure Databricks。 -s或--scope不适用于 Azure Databricks。 -t或--token-t或--token(相同) -f或--token-file在新 CLI 中不可用。 --host--host(相同) --aad-token出现提示时,使用--host并指定 Microsoft Entra ID(以前称为 Azure Active Directory)令牌,而不是 Azure Databricks 个人...
Azure Databricks 傳回的所有錯誤類別都會與 5 個字元 SQLSTATE相關聯。 SQLSTATE是、 JDBC和其他用戶端 API 常用ODBC之錯誤狀況的 SQL 標準編碼方式。SQLSTATE包含兩個部分:兩個字元類別和三個字元子類別。每個字元都必須是 或到 '0''9''A'的數位。'Z'...
Read the latest news and insights about Azure Databricks, brought to you by the experts at Microsoft Azure Blog.
Azure Databricks ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Azure Information Protection ** ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Azure Managed Grafana ✅ ✅ Azure Maps ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Azure Monitor (incl. Application Insights and Log Analytics) ✅ ✅ ✅ ...
Databricks Datadog Defender EASM (preview) Defender for Cloud Desktop Virtualization Dev Center Dev Test Labs Device Update Device Registry DNS Durable Task Scheduler Dynatrace Edge Hardware Center Education Elastic SAN Elastic Event Grid Event Hubs ExpressRoute Extended Location Fabric Firewall Fleet Front...
{ "LS_AzureDatabricks": [ { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.existingClusterId", "value": "$($Env:DatabricksClusterId)", "action": "add" }, { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.encryptedCredential", "value": "", "action": "remove" } ], "LS_AzureKeyVault": [ { "name"...
The combination of Azure Databricks and Azure Machine Learning makes Azure the best cloud for machine learning. Databricks open sourced Databricks Delta, which Azure Databricks customers get greater reliability, improved performance, and the ability to simplify their data pipelines. Lastly, .NET for ...
{ "LS_AzureDatabricks": [ { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.existingClusterId", "value": "$($Env:DatabricksClusterId)", "action": "add" }, { "name": "$.properties.typeProperties.encryptedCredential", "value": "", "action": "remove" } ], "LS_AzureKeyVault": [ { "name"...